This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Stop Wasting Time With
Stop wasting time with the guy that doesn't seem to care whether you stay in his life or not.
Stop wasting time with the guy that shuts you out when he’s in a shitty mood, even if it has nothing to do with you. The guy that will walk past you like you’re a ghost and give you one-word answers, like you’re nothing to him, even though he acted like you were everything yesterday when his day was going well.
Stop wasting time with the guy that had a nasty ex-girlfriend and takes it out on you, even though you aren’t anything like her. The guy that plays the victim act, that acts like he’s damaged, and repays your kindness by telling you he has too much baggage from his last relationship, that he’s not ready to let anyone else inside.
Stop wasting time with the guy that makes you wonder if your phone is malfunctioning, because you haven’t gotten a text back from him yet, even though you messaged him two hours ago and you can see that he’s been active on Facebook over the last twenty minutes.
Stop wasting time with the guy that gets you pumped to spend time with him, and then tells you that he’s so sorry but he forgot that you made plans, or that something unexpectedly came up and he has to cancel. Every. Damn. Time.
Stop wasting time with the guy that only gives you bits and pieces of his life story, even though you’ve opened up to him about everything from your family secrets to your childhood pets, everything from your darkest fears to your brightest passions.
Stop wasting time with the guy that can’t keep his stories straight. The guy that must be lying to you, because he gives you different ‘facts’ whenever you talk to him and then swears that you must be remembering wrong. He tries to convince you that you’re the crazy one.
Stop wasting time with the guy that calls you two, three, four times when he wants to see you, because he won’t take no for an option. The guy that does a complete 180 when you initiate contact by ignoring every one of your texts, because he only cares about what he wants in the moment.
Stop wasting time with the guy that primarily talks to you through Snapchat, because he isn’t interested in having a meaningful conversation with you — he only wants to get a glance at the outfit that you’re wearing and to test the waters to see if you’ll send nudes.
Stop wasting time with the guy that only posts party photos on Instagram with a red cup in his hand, the guy that brags about how much he can chug without blacking out, the guy that only contacts you when he’s already five beers deep.
Stop wasting time with the guy that acts like you’re committing a sin whenever you mention another boy, even though he posts selfies with his arms around strangers and interrupts your conversation to check his beeping phone that you know has pretty girls on the other line.
Stop wasting time with the guy that looks into the mirror to check his hair more than he looks into your eyes, because he’s more concerned with the way the world views him than the way that you view him. The guy that knows he’s hot and relies on his looks to get him through life.
Stop wasting time with the guy that doesn’t seem to care whether you stay in his life or not. The guy that makes you stay up when you should be sleeping, replaying your day to try to figure out whether he likes you or not — whether he cares or not.
Stop it. Because you deserve so much more than that guy.