Stay Away From Anyone Who Makes You Feel Like You’re Hard To Love

Stay away from anyone that makes you feel like you're hard to love. Like it's an effort to make time for you. An effort to text you back. An effort to listen to your stories. An effort to be around you.


©2016 Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev
©2016 Nastia Cloutier-Ignatiev

Stay away from people that make you work for their attention. People that only answer texts when you say something interesting enough — or sexual enough. People that only make time for you when they believe you have something to offer them.

Stay away from people that accuse you of overreacting when you’re really just expressing yourself. People that look at you like you should shut up when you tell a story. People that act like they’re superior in every way, like they’re more mature and worldly.

Stay away from people that make you feel unattractive. People that convince you that you look better with your hair straightened and your glasses off. People that you refuse to see, unless you have enough prep time to do your makeup and shave your legs. Stay away from people that you can’t look like your natural self around.

Stay away from people that make you feel guilty about everything that you say and do. People that make you feel like an idiot for getting excited about a concert or an upcoming movie. People that roll their eyes when you get a little loud instead of joining in with you. People that make you feel like your emotions are invalid.

Stay away from people that you feel the need to apologize to, even though you didn’t do anything wrong. You shouldn’t have to say you’re sorry for being too clingy or for asking too many questions or for wearing too much makeup. You shouldn’t have to say you’re sorry for existing.

So stay away from anyone that makes you feel like you’re hard to love. Like it’s an effort to make time for you. An effort to text you back. An effort to listen to your stories. An effort to be around you.

You’re not a burden. You shouldn’t feel out of place when you’re with your partner. Like it’s only a matter of time before they see you for who you really are and escape. You shouldn’t feel like they’re doing you a favor by putting up with you. By lowering their standards to be with you.

Find someone that sees your inner and outer beauty, your core value. Someone that texts you back two seconds after your message sends. Someone that encourages you to talk about your day, even the insignificant bits — because they want to know all about you. They want to hear your voice, hear your story.

Find someone that makes it look like loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Because, for them, it actually is.

They love spending time with you, even if it means spending a little less time with their friends. They love seeing you first thing in the morning, even though your hair is a knotted mess. They love you. No conditions. No exceptions.

A person like that is out there. And they’re worth the long wait.

So please, stay away from people that make you feel like you’re hard to love, because that’s a lie. Loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Thought Catalog Logo Mark