15 Signs He Has All The Control In The Relationship (And You’re Completely Powerless)

If you’re in a relationship like this, raise your standards and get out ASAP.

Twenty20, katiekhromova
Twenty20, katiekhromova

1. You always let him get his way. Even though you’ve made it clear you don’t like him hanging around with his ex, he does it anyway, and you put up with it. You’ll put up with anything, because you don’t want to lose him. 

2. You’re afraid to express your feelings. What if he breaks up with you when you mention how upset you are? You don’t want to take that risk. You’d rather keep your emotions bottled up inside. 

3. You never turn down sex. It’s not that you have a high libido. You just don’t want to upset him. You want to be the cool girl that’s always ready to undress for him. You want to keep him from cheating and you think constant sex will do the trick. 

4. You do everything for him. You cook. You clean. You wash dishes. You bring home money. You give him oral. Meanwhile, he doesn’t do anything a good boyfriend is meant to do. The relationship is clearly one-sided. 

5. You’re the one that always ends up apologizing. It doesn’t matter if he came home late with whiskey on his breath and didn’t even send you a text to let you know where he was. When you have an argument about it all, you’ll end up apologizing to him

6. You need permission to leave the house. If your friends ask you to hang out, you can’t just accept the invitation. You have to check with him first. If he doesn’t want you leaving, then you won’t be leaving.

7. He threatens to break up with you. Whenever you get upset with him, he reminds you that there are other girls that are interested in him. He threatens to leave you, so you keep doing exactly what he wants. 

8. You keep secrets from him. If you drink a little too much or get a text from a male friend, you don’t want him to know about it, because you don’t want him to get angry. To put it bluntly, you’re afraid of him. Of what he can do. Of how he can make you feel. 

9. He keeps secrets from you. If you ask him where he was last night or if he’s been cheating, and he dodges the question, you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. You let him get away with pretty much anything.

10. He repeatedly cancels plans. If he bails on your date at the last second, you’ll just set up another date. For whatever reason, you always excuse his behavior, even though he never lets you get away with neglecting him

11. You let him say nasty things. He can, and does, push your limits. He’ll call you fat. Ugly. Worthless. And you’ll still stick around. 

12. You wear what he wants. You would never wear a low-cut shirt out to dinner, because he’s told you how much he hates other men looking at your body. You dress to please him, even if that means you don’t get to wear what you want. 

13. You always give in to him. Your compromises aren’t really compromises. You just end up giving him what he wants. And he never returns the favor.

14. You’re forced to ask him for money. It’s like you’re a kid again, begging your parents for cash when you want to go to the movies with your friends. He’s in complete control of the finances. All of the money you earn goes straight to him.

15. He’s clearly the one that cares less. In a healthy relationship, the love should be equal. If he doesn’t give a damn whether you two stay together, then he won’t be putting in nearly enough effort to make you happy. You deserve better than that — better than him. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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