44 Texts To Send Him When You’re Still In That Flirty Stage

1. The only good part about being single is that I get to flirt with you.
2. Stop being so cute or I’m going to have to ask you on a date.
3. I really want pizza. And a cute guy to eat it with.
4. That Instagram photo you just posted is ridiculously sexy.
5. I can’t think of anything interesting to say, but I really wanted to talk to you.
6. You wouldn’t believe the dream I had about you last night.
7. I wore the cutest outfit today. Too bad you didn’t get to see it.
8. My dog misses you. Come visit him.
9. I literally smile every single time your name pops up on my phone.
10. My bed is way too big for one person.
11. Any girl that turns you down is a complete idiot.
12. I hate people. You’re the only exception.
13. What would you say if I told you I really like you?
14. I’m free this weekend. What about you?
15. I thought about you so many times today it’s embarrassing.
16. I’m sick of flirting over the phone. Let’s do it in person.
17. I can’t stop staring at that picture you sent me.
18. If you stop by my house tonight, I’ll make it worth your while.
19. It’s been way too long since we’ve hung out, don’t you think?
20. My friends keep saying how we’d make the cutest couple.
21. Today sucked. I need you to come over to cheer me up.
22. It’s hard to concentrate on work when you keep popping into my head.
23. Do you have Snapchat?
24. I’m going to shower. Wish you were here to join me.
25. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if we kissed? Because I have.
26. I have a case of beer and a weekend off from work. The only thing missing is you.
27. I can’t fall asleep without someone cuddling me.
28. I just bought the cutest new bra.
29. Every time I close my eyes, I see your smile.
30. You’re too sexy to be single.
31. You’re going to think I’m lying, but you’re pretty much my dream guy.
32. I can’t think of anyone I’d like to spend this weekend with more than you.
33. Even over text, you’re adorable.
34. I just saw the cutest actor on TV. Made me think of you.
35. I wish you were here with me right now.
36. I can’t believe I actually found a guy who’s smart and funny and insanely hot.
37. My friends are sick of hearing me talk about you.
38. You honestly make me laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed before.
39. My day would’ve been much better if you were in it.
40. I could text you until two in the morning.
41. Miss me yet?
42. Do you have any idea how hot you are?
43. You’re way too cute. It’s not fair.
44. We should go on a date, don’t you think?