30 Disgustingly Sweet Signs You’re Already Acting Like An Old Married Couple

Instead of calling each other cute nicknames, you call each other weird, embarrassing nicknames that no one else would understand.


Twenty20, edric
Twenty20, edric

1. You text him when he’s only a room away, because it’s easier than getting up and walking through the house.

2. Your boyfriend’s friends contact you when they can’t get ahold of him, because they know that you know where he is.

3. You debate over whether your pet loves him or you more.

4. When his mother calls, you’re expected to talk to her on the phone too, even if it’s the last thing you want to do.

5. You have trouble sleeping unless he’s in bed beside you.

6. Your pocketbook is filled with ticket stubs from movies you’ve seen together and receipts from dinners you’ve eaten together.

7. You grab his phone when your phone is charging in an outlet you can’t reach, and he doesn’t mind, because he’s used to sharing everything with you.

8. You can find his missing sock or a specific pair of underwear before he can.

9. Instead of calling each other cute nicknames, you call each other weird, embarrassing nicknames that no one else would understand.

10. You know exactly what to do to annoy him. You know which songs he can’t stand and which memes make him want to scream.

11. When you call him an “idiot” (which is often), he knows you don’t actually mean it.

12. You get ready for bed together. You stand next to him and wash your face while he brushes his teeth.

13. You’ve bickered with each other in a public place and didn’t think it was a big deal.

14. You never really eat at the table. You usually sit at the couch and watch TV while you’re chowing down on dinner.

15. You know exactly what to bring home for him from the grocery store, without having to ask.

16. You remind him of his doctor’s appointments. Sometimes, you’re even the one that calls up and makes the appointment for him.

17. You’re capable of taking a nap together while completely naked, without even thinking about having sex.

18. You can fart, burp, queef, and throw up in front of him and it’s sill not awkward.

19. You don’t feel the need to make exciting plans every weekend. Sitting around the house together is enough to make you happy.

20. When you’re invited to a party, so is your partner. You’re a packaged deal.

21. You don’t freak out if you forget to shave, because you know he doesn’t give a damn about what you look like.

22. You share everything, including your pajamas, your books, and your car.

23. You’re comfortable being yourself around him, which is why there are plenty of days when you don’t wear make-up, put in your contacts, or wear tight clothing.

24. When you tell stories about him, you say “we” and no one expects you to explain who “we” refers to, because they already know.

25. You’ve already forced him to binge watch all of your favorite shows and he’s done the same.

26. You’d rather spend time sipping wine in your pajamas while cuddling on the couch than going out with your friends and getting wasted.

27. When you’re in bed together, you’re usually both reading (when you’re not having sex).

28. The majority of the Snapchats you send him are of you making ugly faces at the camera instead of striking sexy poses like you used to do in your lingerie.

29. It’s hard for you to remember a time before you were dating.

30. You’re deeply in love with each other and plan on spending the rest of your lives together. Thought Catalog Logo Mark