15 Little Ways To Turn On Your Partner Without Getting Naked
Sophia Sinclair

100 Questions To See What Your Boyfriend REALLY Thinks Of You

Who's most likely to forget their vows on our wedding day?


Sophia Sinclair
Sophia Sinclair

1. Who’s most likely to forget an anniversary? 

2. Who’s most likely to send a dirty text to the wrong person?

3. Who’s most likely to forget why they walked into a room?

4. Who’s most likely to flirt with the server at a restaurant? 

5. Who’s most likely to embarrass the other person while drunk? 

6. Who’s most likely to get cold feet on our wedding day? 

7. Who’s more likely to post a kissing picture on their Instagram?

8. Who’s most likely to buy the other person a gift they hate?

9. Who’s most likely to orgasm first? 

10. Who’s most likely to use a hall pass to sleep with the celebrity of their choosing?

11. Who’s most likely to bring a sex toy into the bedroom?

12. Who’s most likely to be caught watching porn?

13. Who’s most likely to get arrested? 

14. Who’s most likely to initiate sex?

15. Who’s most likely to fall asleep during a movie?

16. Who’s most likely to curse in front of a child?

17. Who’s most likely to write a love poem?

18. Who’s most likely to get a hideous tattoo?

19. Who’s most likely to take a nap in the middle of the day?

20. Who’s most likely to get in a car accident?

21. Who’s most likely to cry over a sad movie? 

22. Who’s most likely to sing along to a pop song on the radio? 

23. Who’s most likely to quit their job on impulse? 

24. Who’s most likely to throw a fit during a game of Monopoly? 

25. Who’s most likely to go skinny dipping with their friends? 

26. Who’s most likely to ignore their phone when their mom calls?

27. Who’s most likely to laugh during a funeral?

28. Who’s most likely to get on top during sex? 

29. Who’s most likely to get jealous over something silly? 

30. Who’s most likely to forget their vows on our wedding day?

31. Who’s most likely to leave the dishes in the sink for days? 

32. Who’s most likely to pick a crappy movie to watch? 

33. Who’s most likely to win a board game? 

34. Who’s most likely to throw a fit when they lose a board game?

35. Who’s most likely to bring home a stray puppy? 

36. Who’s most likely to do a porno? 

37. Who’s most likely to sleep until noon? 

38. Who’s most likely to throw out the other person’s items? 

39. Who’s most likely to burn the dinner they’re cooking? 

40. Who’s most likely to cry during sex? 

41. Who’s most likely to cheat?

42. Who’s most likely to steal shampoo from a hotel room? 

43. Who’s most likely to murder a stranger after a fit of road rage?

44. Who’s most likely to waste money on pointless items at a gift shop? 

45. Who’s most likely to keep their mouth shut when they’re upset?

46. Who’s most likely to eat a bag of chips in one sitting?

47. Who’s most likely to go a week without showering?

48. Who’s most likely to take pictures of the other while they’re sleeping?

49. Who’s most likely to steal all of the blankets? 

50. Who’s most likely to lose their keys?

51. Who’s most likely to forget to pay a bill? 

52. Who’s most likely to win a reality TV show competition? 

53. Who’s most likely to pregame before a party? 

54. Who’s most likely to turn down an invitation out to stay home and watch Netflix? 

55. Who’s most likely to do volunteer work? 

56. Who’s most likely to complain when their friend owes them five bucks? 

57. Who’s most likely to try to return an expensive item after they’ve already worn it? 

58. Who’s most likely to win a teddy bear out of a claw machine? 

59. Who’s most likely to go skydiving? 

60. Who’s most likely to wax their genitals? 

61. Who’s most likely to become a vegan?

62. Who’s most likely to eat fast food for a week straight?

63. Who’s most likely to act like they’re drunk when they’re still sober?

64. Who’s most likely to eat the other person’s leftovers without asking for permission?

65. Who’s most likely to get up on stage and sing Karaoke?

66. Who’s most likely to win a dance contest?

67. Who’s most likely to send a double text?

68. Who’s most likely to visit a strip club?

69. Who’s most likely to get sunburn after forgetting to use sunscreen?

70. Who’s most likely to beg their parents for cash?

71. Who’s most likely to play a prank on the other person?

72. Who’s most likely to smoke pot at a music festival?

73. Who’s most likely to get a tattoo while drunk?

74. Who’s most likely to shop for holiday gifts at the last minute?

75. Who’s most likely to drop their phone in the toilet?

76. Who’s most likely to approach a celebrity they see on the street?

77. Who’s most likely to complain about their favorite film getting remade?

78. Who’s most likely to wake up in the middle of the night to pee?

79. Who’s most likely to read a book or watch a show, just because everyone else has been talking about it?

80. Who’s most likely to swear they saw a UFO?

81. Who’s most likely to swim with dolphins?

82. Who’s most likely to shop at Target?

83. Who’s most likely to forget to wear underwear?

84. Who’s most likely to walk around the house naked?

85. Who’s most likely to become friends with a stranger over the Internet?

86. Who’s most likely to pass out at the gym?

87. Who’s most likely to cancel plans at the last second?

88. Who’s most likely to set up a romantic date?

89. Who’s most likely to take hours and hours to text back?

90. Who’s most likely to order the cheapest item on the menu?

91. Who’s most likely to complain about how tired they are?

92. Who’s most likely to fall asleep in public?

93. Who’s most likely to twerk on the dance floor?

94. Who’s most likely to freak out over a pregnancy?

95. Who’s most likely to snore in their sleep?

96. Who’s most likely to complain about their ex?

97. Who’s most likely to set their friend up on a blind date?

98. Who’s most likely to freak out over a text they misinterpreted?

99. Who’s most likely to save a stranger’s life?

100. Who’s most likely to spend an hour in the bathroom? Thought Catalog Logo Mark