Twenty20, Jovanadventures

I Work At A Movie Theater And I Found Something Truly Terrifying Hidden Inside

After his parents died, because his father had decided to drive six whiskeys deep, he claimed every unexplained creak and groan was a sign. But back when I worked at Toys R Us, everyone had thought the place was haunted, too. There would be stories wherever you went.


Twenty20, Jovanadventures
Twenty20, Jovanadventures

I held the broom with a loose grasp, but left the pan at the bottom of the staircase. No reason to carry around extra equipment when I knew I’d end up sweeping everything beneath the seats, anyway. The night crew would suck up all the guck with their convenient little vacuums, so why bother? If we did a better job of cleaning, they’d be out of a job.

Besides, it was quicker that way, and I wanted to move on to the next theater before my heart ejected itself from my chest. The Purge had just finished playing in this one, and even though all of the audience members had already left, the creepy credit music flooded through the oversized speakers. All violins and eerie laughter and bursts of static.

Ushering sucked.

As if the universe wanted to prove my point, the screen started to vibrate in the lower lefthand corner, like someone was hitting it from behind. The sound made me jump and clutch the broom to my chest. After a full minute of staring at the spot, I saw a tuft of blond hair poke out from behind the screen.

“Thank God,” I said, watching my supervisor run up the steps with a smirk. He looked the same as always. Black slacks, a black shirt, and black wristbands to cover the tattoos that were against policy.

“What’d, you think it was a ghost?” he asked, a laugh accenting the sentence.