30 Real Life Mysteries That Sound Like They Came Straight Out Of An X-Files Episode

"Skinwalker Ranch is a ranch in Northeast Utah where in the 90s the owners reported weird phenomena like giant wolf-like creatures attacking their cattle and taking multiple rifle shots without flinching, then apparently vanishing into thin air, floating orbs of light, bigfoot-like creatures, and cattle mutilations."


20. A man was found miles from home

Some old guy travelled miles away from home to die miles up a mountain by a reservoir. He had no ID on him, and recent tests have found his blood was traced with an illegal rat poison not accessible in the UK. He has a plate in his leg from Pakistan, but doesn’t appear to be of Pakistani descent. He was also dressed really smartly and asked locals for directions to the mountain in bad weather. More recently a theory has come to light suggesting he might be someway involved with a plane crash that happened on the side of the mountain in 1946, hence why that particular location and so far from home. Nobody has come forward to say he’s missing either, which adds more light to the theory that perhaps he lost someone in the accident and wanted his final resting place to be where theirs was. Either way, it has the UK puzzled.

21. Children witnessed a UFO landing

In 1994 62 children at a Zimbabwe school saw a UFO landing and a man leaving the craft, their accounts were so similar and unvarying that it is believed that they couldn’t have made it up without inconsistencies in their stories. To this day, as adults they still swear by their original statements.

22. A body was found in a piece of pipe

The Man in the Steel Cylinder. After the Blitz a body was found in a crimped off piece of pipe, wearing Victorian clothes. He had apparently been in there for 60 years, but wasn’t missed. He was identified easily enough, but no-one knows to this day why he was in there or how he died.

23. Green children appeared

The Green Children of Woolpit Two children, a brother and sister, mysteriously appeared. They claimed to have been from a dark world and were drawn to ours by a bell. Also, they were green.