26 People Share Insane Stories About The Scariest Shit They’ve Ever Seen
"That's when I realize, a little dizzy, that the snake's jaws are very very wide and there are two little legs sticking out of it. I think the legs were still twitching, struggling, alive."
Some scary shit goes on in this world. So if you search through Reddit, you’ll find plenty of terrifying stories that have happened to average people, just like you. Here are a few that just might keep you up tonight.
1. I watched a snake eat a child
I was going to visit my dad with a colleague of his while he was working on his M. Phil. Our destination would take us across a place called Lama; which to date sports “Danger: Wild Elephants” and police patrols every few miles. This was about a decade ago and there was little to no civilization save the highway and the indigenous villages every few miles.
We were in a drop top jeep making our way up the hilly roads when we noticed a commotion by the roadside. Violence was common so our driver parked a little farther ahead and went back to check if there was an issue on the road ahead.
He comes back 2 minutes later, white faced and frantic, asking whether we had a weapon on us; a knife, walking stick, anything to help.
Things were getting pretty loud and the crowd was swelling. We noticed people group off stamp and shout.
I get off and walk a little closer and just stand there, probably in shock while I see 20 or so people on 2 ends of a very very large snake. It must have been a Python and perhaps the memory makes it that much larger. All bunched up trying to lock in its coils.
People hack at the thing with sticks and stones as they keep trying to unfurl it. The snake is writhing and thrashing but generally just trying to curl in tighter.
That’s when I realize, a little dizzy, that the snake’s jaws are very very wide and there are 2 little legs sticking out of it. I think the legs were still twitching, struggling, alive.
We watched in terrified fascination as the sounds and the image sunk in. Someone asked whether the kid was alive, whether they could cut him/her out. The crying was getting louder. And every few seconds there was a sickening screech as a little more of the kid disappeared.
We headed off when they’d finally managed machete like knives from a nearby village. They were hacking at the snake trying to get at the child. It was more than likely too late, but we just wanted to get very very far away.
I threw up twice on the way, we were both shaking. I slept very badly that night.
2. I watched a woman get kidnapped at the gas station
Was standing next to my car at a gas station pumping gas when I noticed a girl walking down the side of the road across from me.
She’s kind of cute, so I’m watching her for a second, when a car pulls up next to her. It follows along for a minute when three big guys jump out and grab her. She starts screaming and trying to fight them off but they overpower her and shove her in the back seat.
The car pulls behind a closed-for-the-night auto shop right there where they grabbed her. I could still see their car from my vantage point. From all the way across the road I could still hear her screaming as the car rocked from the fight happening inside.
Meanwhile, as soon as I realized what was going on, I immediately called 911 and gave them a play-by-play, including descriptions, plate numbers, etc.
After a couple minutes, the car pulled out and booked it down the road with the girl still screaming in the backseat. They must have been doing 90.
It fucked me up severely to witness something like that. I resolved right there and then that I would NEVER stand idly by while something like that happened again.
I now carry a handgun and have been trained to use it. I hope to God I never have to, but I will if need be. I will never stand by and watch somebody get hurt like that again.
3. I saw a vision of my cousin’s funeral
Let me preface this by saying, I’m not huge into paranormal stuff and I don’t really believe in fortune tellers or psychics necessarily.
So here I am, about 12 or 13 years old and I’m walking up the stairs to go to my piano lesson. As I step foot onto my piano teacher’s front porch, I just get hit with this weird feeling.
I don’t know how to describe it in any way other than I was having a dream, yet I was awake.
I could picture (and still can) everything as clearly as I could if it had been right in front of me. In this “dream” I see a long white hallway, which is plastered with white and off white striped wallpaper. At the end of this hallway, there is a woman who is sitting at the end of it and she is wearing a black veil and mourning dress. She sits in a chair too far away for me to see her face, but I can tell that she is crying.
I snap out of it and go into my piano lesson. I was still freaked out though, so I went home and told my mom and grandma.
They think it’s weird, but we drop it. The next few days go by as normal. About three days later, we find out that my cousin who had just gotten married and had a son passed away from a heart complication.
My Mom and my Grandma go to the wake a few days later, but I do not. When they get home, my Mom has a really twisted look on her face. I asked her what was wrong and she quietly says –
“I opened the door to the funeral home to walk in. When you enter, you are in a long white hallway, with white and off white striped wallpaper. Jessica (my cousin’s widow) was sitting in a chair at the end of that hallway right when I walked in. She had stepped away from the casket to sit down for a while and was crying in her black veil and mourning dress.”
Freakiest thing ever. I saw my cousin’s wake nearly four days before he died, and no one would have ever believed me if I hadn’t described it to them before they saw it. Shit like that used to happen to me all of the time when I was a kid, I’m kind of glad it stopped.
4. I watched a man shoot himself in the head
A suicide. In Jr high school, friends and I were walking to lunch to get some bagels. A shirtless man jumps up onto a car at the corner of the parking lot underneath a KFC sign followed up by a bunch of cops who all had their guns drawn. Within moments of the stand off, the guy puts the gun to his head and blows his brains out. The blood spray hit a lot of cars.
5. I watched a woman get scalped on an escalator
The first time I went back home to India since being born. I was about 6 or 7 years old at the time and we landed in New Delhi and got out of customs and everything and there was an enormous crowd of people watching through the windows to where the escalators were. This really pretty young lady, newlywed, was coming down the escalator in full traditional Indian wedding attire. Because it was so long, it got caught in the escalator and she was pulled down. She had long black hair which was pulled in as well, she was scalped and there was blood everywhere. At that point I was shooed away by many adults because it wasn’t meant for the eyes of a child. I pried my way between the legs of many sweaty brown folk and preceded to look as she was carried off on a stretcher completely limp. I will never forget that sight as long as I live. The saddest part was that it was her first time visiting India in close to 15 years. Needless to say I was desensitized at a very young age.
6. An unleashed dog almost murdered my puppy
My (then) puppy with his head and neck in the jaws of a pit/mastiff mix that wasn’t leashed. There was blood all over his stark white fur. My heart sank. For a second I felt like I knew he was going to die. I have never been so terrified in my life. Then I punched the dog in the head, gave it a kick to the chest, and pried my dog out of its mouth.
Bastard bit through the tip of my little finger but it was worth it.
7. I saw a man get torn apart by a train
When I was about 11 we were leaving our farm and at this big highway intersection a train had hit a Lay’s potato truck (it was right before the holidays) that had slid down a hill on ice and couldn’t stop. It threw the guy directly across the train tracks and when the train went over him it cut him into three parts.
That sucked. I feel like my parents went into shock too hard to get our eyes covered so I just stared while they kept screaming to cover our eyes.
8. Somehow a complete stranger knew personal details about me
When I was about 13 I was staying at my friends house, his father had just passed away from a stroke so I was there for my friend. That afternoon we were playing in his dads garage/radio room. His dad was a very active ham radio operator and had all sorts of scanners, radios etc. The one I knew about was the big one, I don’t remember the brand but it was about 3 times the size of a VCR. I remember his dad would show us how he could talk to people around the world on this radio. We were never allowed to touch it, not even talk on it. That day we turned it on and pretty much just turned the channel knob till a voice would come through, I remember hearing shouting preachers on the air thumping there bible and doing the usual preacher thing, there was a guy from Canada that told us to get off the radio cause weren’t licensed. For some stupid reason I thought he could track us so we quickly turned it off and ran inside to play video games.
Later that night we got bored so we snuck into the garage to see what we could hear on the airwaves, more usual crap on the shortwave bands I remember some drunk cussed us out and more preachers were preaching, I do remember we tuned into a numbers station transmission that was creepy but we continued to turn the dial and listen some more. I do remember on the LED we were somewhere in the 3.8 megahertz range I think you call it. My friend starts making fart noises over the mic like the premature kids we were laughing. All of the sudden a voice comes over the air, the best way I can describe it is James Earl Jones mixed in with the mothman voice from that movie with Richard Geere where he picks up the chap stick, he laughed and said and I remember “Caleb and TxSurfer y’all cut it out you crazy kids, I’m trying to enjoy my vacation on the moon” He knew our names, we don’t know how and we have never heard his voice before. Then he starts blabbering on and on about personal shit that we would only know, I dont know anyone else who was a radio operator but he brought up the fact that my mothers car was overheating, we hadnt even taken it to the shop yet. My friend caleb asked how he knew that he just laughed, Caleb tested the guy and asked what the home phone number was to his house and again he got that right. We were freaked out, the man starts talking about crazy stuff, at one point he mentioned he hated ketchup and went on and on about not liking ketchup. He told my friend that he was on the dark side of the moon like 20 times, he told us that he can make radio waves do weird things, all of the sudden a scanner freaking came on and a loud pitch noise went through the speaker.
We were pretty scared, we ran inside and got his mom and told her, she went to the radio shack and all of the sudden the guy says “you think Susan can save you?” in a really mean voice, like angry voice she had no idea who it was but he got her name right. She was equally shocked and kept asking if we were playing tricks on her. The guy starts muttering something that hit close to my friends mom, he said something along the lines of “Susan your mother isn’t the best cook ill tell you, these cookies suck, good thing no one here has to eat them” Susan’s mother had died when she was 7, Susan freaked out and told us to go inside, she stayed in the radio shack for 30 minutes or so and came back in crying and white as a ghost, she was freaking out, to this day she wont tell us what the man told her and she freaks out every time we mention it. The radio and equipment has been put up and never powered on again, the antennas were removed.
I don’t know what happened but I honestly have never been more freaked out, All 3 of us that night ended up staying at my mothers house. Susan and Caleb stayed with us for another week after that. My mom is kind of on the fence about the whole deal but she does agree something did happen, I don’t know what was said to Caleb’s mom that night on the radio but it causes her to flip out if you mention it.
9. My father accidentally sliced his entire hand open
You know those generic jack-o-lantern trick or treat baskets you can buy around Halloween? Back when I was young my mom wanted some of those to cover our outside lights leading up to the front door, if you cut out the bottom, they fit perfectly around them. So, my dad went out the next day and bought a bunch, got a big ol’ knife and started cutting out the bottoms of them. My sister and I were standing in the living room watching him and he was talking to us… well…
he went to cut one and I guess applied too much pressure and when he cut the bottom out of one, the whole thing buckled and it splintered down one side, resulting in the knife blasting through the plastic heap and slicing open his hand from the web of his thumb down to his wrist. It immediately began pouring out dark red blood and my dad didn’t even notice it happened. When my sister and I screamed in horror he looked at us and proclaimed “what…?” like we were freaking crazy, then he just looked down jumped up yelling “DEBBIE DEBBIE COME QUICK!” my mom, comes out of the room, sees him dripping blood and she FREAKS.
I remember following my parents into the kitchen, going INSANE thinking my wonderful dad was going to die… because he passed out from blood loss as my mom was struggling to hold him up and she yells at my sister and I to “GO GET THE NEIGHBORHOOD!”
Thankfully, this was a pretty tight neighborhood and my dad’s friend who was an army medic, and at least five of the adult neighbors were all out chatting two doors down. They all come flying into the house and they handle shit, while sending my sister and I to another neighbor’s house.
10. We found something paranormal hidden in a warehouse
This is a brief account of an experience I had almost a year ago in the warehouse where I work alone. No one I’ve told has believed me, but perhaps you all will. I work in a warehouse that my father purchased. He bought it for 25% of its cost from a farmer who seemed very excited to be rid of it. It is in the middle of Mennonite country, with no neighbors for a half-mile around. Look out the window…. you see cornfields and scraggly trees. Cell service? Forget about it. I work here alone, painting and preparing the front office portion for eventual functionality. To get to the front office, you must go through a hallway from the main warehouse, into a secondary office, and then through another door into the front.
I frequently hear bumps and thuds and occasionally will go into the warehouse and feel air movement, but I’ve always attributed it to drafts and animal life in the roof. The only thing that has ever made me uneasy about the building is the fact that all of the door locks are reversed. Whoever installed those locks didn’t intend to keep people out, they intended to keep something in.
It never really got too freaky, until one day I was in the front office when I began to hear the thudding. I ignored it and continued to apply masking tape to the door I was working on. But this time, it was accompanied by a screeching sound. Not loud, but audible. I was freaked out, but convinced myself that it was just a pissed off raccoon or squirrel that had found its way inside. I continued working, until I heard the slam. The door to the secondary office had been open; it sounded like it had violently slammed shut. I peeked around the corner and saw that I was right… the secondary door was now closed. I tried to logic it through in my head that a strong draft had sucked it closed, although I knew there was no such draft. The thudding began again. Close this time. I’ve never been able to put a proximity on it, but now it sounded like it was right on the other side of the door. I froze, unsure of what was happening. My eyes locked on the door handle, which began to turn. The door disengaged its latch and slowly swung open. Wider… wider…. nothing there. Nothing visible, no air movement, just quiet. So quiet. A quiet that seemed to overwhelm me with its presence; a quiet so thick I couldn’t breathe. The quiet was shattered when the screech came again. This time, it was clearly human. Pained, angered, and emanating from the main warehouse. The door slammed. That entirely broke my frozen fearful state… I ran. I got into my car and drove until I was in cell range to call my father. He didn’t believe anything about the doors closing, but agreed that the building had something weird about it. He told me he’d be right out.
Fast forward half an hour. My dad and I met up and drove back to the warehouse. I showed him the door that slammed, showing him that it was separated from both the front office and the main warehouse, so no draft could have closed it. I told him about the thuds, the screeching, and the sudden quiet that overcame the building. He decided that we should check the main warehouse. Emboldened by his presence, I led the way. Something you should know about this warehouse: It was formerly a furniture manufacturing place owned by a Mennonite farmer. They made handmade chairs, tables, etc. Because of all the cutting that went on, the floor is thickly coated with dust. We walked into the warehouse and saw nothing out of the ordinary. The dust was untouched, the doors were closed, windows were locked. The only thing out of the ordinary was one of the hanging fluorescent light fixtures. It was hanging askew, and swaying slightly. Insisting we take a look at the mount to ensure it didn’t just break loose, my dad grabbed a step ladder. He supported it while I climbed up and grabbed the swinging light. I looked on top of the light…. and saw a hand-print. A single, fresh, inhumanly large hand-print. No footprints in the dust around the light, no signs of a presence. I climbed down and switched places with my father. He saw it and said, “what the hell? There’s been no one in here for years!” He climbed down and told me he’d been suspicious of someone breaking in and stealing parts from the warehouse light system. He couldn’t believe me that this wasn’t human… that something wasn’t right here. The last thing he said was “nothing is here. Next time, just go back to work.” And then, as if to show its presence, the thud returned. This time it wasn’t just a thud, but more of an earthquake. The entire building felt like it moved. The heartbeat-like thud was then overlaid by the screech. The awful, awful screech. It felt it like was coming from the walls themselves. We ran. We ran and I haven’t returned. My father hired someone to finish my job and has since moved into the office. He’s heard the thudding, but thus far nothing has happened further. What actually happened? I don’t know. Nor do I ever care to know. What I do know is that there is something paranormal in that building and the man who sold it to us knew. I’ll never forget the sound of that lock turning by itself or the feeling of that thunderous silence.
11. I almost got run over by a drunk driver
I lived about 2 miles out of town on an oil-sand road and worked at McDonald’s in town. I used to walk to work when the weather was nice and this was one of those times.
I’m strolling along and I hear an engine on the road behind me, and it sounds like it’s topped out, just screaming along. I look around me and find a good spot to move off the road and wait.
The car gets about 100yds from me where I just passed an improperly banked turn that is deceptively dangerous. The car is rocketing along. It hits the turn and the back end swings out, they fish tail back the other direction and the car rolls sideways, coming straight for me.
As it rolls glass and bits of pavement actually hit me in the face and neck as the car comes to a rest about 6 feet away from me in the ditch right side up. I run over to see if anyone is hurt and when I pop the back door open a bunch of exploding beer cans come rolling out followed by a very drunk Mexican guy. There’s two more inside the car, both equally drunk, and the driver is slumped over with a nice cut on his forehead.
End of story: all three guys were fine with only minor injuries, all three were arrested for DUI and I was late for work because of it, which was preferable to how late I could’ve been.
12. A strange man walked into my bedroom when I was a child
My mom had just put me to bed. I think I was around 5 or 6. Lights out, only light is coming from the courtyard behind my room. Jehovah’s witness place behind my house has lights in their parking lot so I can still see in my room. 15-20 min go by and there is nothing awake in the house. So I sit up in my bed (bunkbed pushed up against 2 walls) and I sit in the corner. Someone or something walks into my room looks around for a minute, and walks up to the window. Turns and goes out of my room. I told my mom that morning and she didn’t know what I was talking about. It was like someone with a black morph suit came into my house, but this was around 2001. I’m getting chills thinking about it.
13. It felt like my entire body had been frozen
Before I knew what Sleep Paralysis was, I was just drifting off to sleep, on the precipice between consciousness and asleep, when the door to my room cracked open a tiny bit and I could “sense” an evil spirit coming into the room, it was invisible. As it moved toward my bed I wanted to scream, jump up, anything, but my entire body was frozen with my eyes open. I couldn’t move, couldn’t even make a little peep. Internally I was fighting my body to get up right now, but nothing, as this malevolent spirit came toward me slowly.
Just as it got next to me and was about to hurt me I finally was able to “snap” out of it, my arm shot out to protect me, I got out a little whimper (because my throat was basically closed off from the stress) and the thing seemingly vanished. I looked at the clock, realized I had only went to bed 15 minutes earlier, felt perfectly calm, despite what had just happened, and fell back asleep. Remembered the whole thing clear as day the next morning.
Happened one more time and then I finally learned about Sleep Paralysis and realized this happens to people all the time. The most I’ve ever been scared, but only for a few seconds (that felt like hours).
14. I watched a woman fly out of the driver’s seat
I witnessed a car get t-boned in an intersection, while a woman was ejected through the wind shield. She literally face-planted across the road. The driver was stuck half way through the area where the wind shield was supposed to be. It was horrifying, the sound, and the trail of skin. I had to take the same intersection on my way back home, and came back to her being covered with a white blanket. It was so morbidly sobering.
15. My father chased us around the house with a knife
When my father that had recently divorced my mother (Who is amazing, I might add) ran into our house with knives and started chasing us. We had to get the fuck out of there, it still gets to me every time I pick up a knife.
Basically, we found out the my father was cheating on my mum with a woman overseas and got her pregnant etc. So my mum naturally wants a divorce, so my father moves out, and one day we are helping him move furniture into his new place (Far too forgiving, not sure why we were even helping him), now, some time had passed, and of course, my mum felt it was fair to start dating, after all, my father was seeing a woman and even got her pregnant. The topic of my mum seeing someone came up because the night we were moving the furniture my mum had a date. Next thing I know my father is kicking my mother, and yelling at us to get out of the house, naturally, I try to keep my mum safe and push him away and as well as get my mum and sister out of the house. As we’re driving away my mum starts getting these texts from my father telling her he’s going to get a gun, (You can just imagine the rest). Some time passes after this, and I’m out with my mum, sister, her partner and his daughter, and we’re having a good time. What happens next is nothing short of bullshit, my father happens to see us together while we’re out. He then comes around to our house, whilst we are moving our own furniture out (By this stage my mum was in a relationship with the man that she was going to go out on a date with the night she was assaulted) and we planned on moving out, as part of the divorce. So, as we’re moving furniture out, my father runs into the house and grabs the knives. This all happened at the end of last year, whilst I had year 11 final exams on. I have now just finished year 12, and everything is going great, fortunately.
16. I found my mother covered in blood
I was sitting in my room watching TV, typical 9 year old stuff. All of a sudden I here a moaning, and faint cries for help. I didn’t quite understand where it was coming from, since it was so foreign to me. At first, I thought it was my brother playing “Perfect Dark” because my Dad always joked to friends that people would scream bloody murder in that game (much to the annoyance of my brother). I wanted to see this in action so I ran into my brother’s room all excited only to find he wasn’t there. I still heard it though, and still couldn’t grasp what was going on.
I followed the sounds through the house, and stopped at the door to the garage. Right then, my gut twisted as I realized what was happening, and what would be on the other side of the door.
I opened the door to find my mom on the ground with a puddle of blood around her head. She was up in the attic moving stuff around, tripped, and fell through an uncovered part to the garage floor 12 feet below. I walked up to her and couldn’t say anything. She just let out “get dad” and once it clicked I ran downstairs to find my Dad watching a movie with my brother at blaring volume level.
I told my Dad “Mom’s hurt” and he responded “what? what do you want?”. I yelled “MOM’S HURT, GARAGE” and my Dad’s eyes widened and he sprinted upstairs. I had never seen him run that fast before.
She ended up being alright, just a broken collar bone and a concussion. The experience itself was scary, but the thought that I may have saved her life is more scary to me. My mom told me after how when I found her she was just about to lose consciousness. Had I not found her when I did, she would have lost consciousness and not been able to yell. My Dad and brother couldn’t hear her with the movie, so it would have been at least 2 hours before anyone found her. Now it’s just one of those things were I re-remember it and think “oh yeah that did happen” but every once and a while the memory makes my heart skip a beat.
17. A stranger stalked me over my Xbox
When I was a freshman (around 6 years ago), I had gotten a Xbox 360 for Christmas. I was pumped, I got XBL as soon as I could afford it and it was great. My family really enjoys watching ghost shows on the History Channel. Not those “Ghost Hunters” type ones, but the ones that are more about the history behind the ghost then the ghost itself (A Haunted History). Well, my family was sitting in my living watching one of these types of shows (I don’t remember which one it was exactly), and it was talking about a little girl who was being haunted by a ghost named Man. Man would haunt her play set outside her house and when her parents asked her about it she would always talk about how Man wanted to play. If she said she didn’t want to play with Man, she would end up with scratches and bruises all over her. I didn’t think anything of the show at all, I just thought it was interesting. That is until the next day. The next day was a Saturday, I believe. I woke up and immediately turned on my Xbox that I had just gotten recently (I was still super excited about having it as I had gotten it approximately two months before hand). So my Xbox boots up and does its normal thing, telling me if I have any messages and if my friends are online. Well, the moment that this was over I received a message, which struck me as odd because it wasn’t sitting in my inbox originally, instead it was sent to me the moment I logged on. What was even stranger was the fact that the person that sent it to me was not in my friends list, nor on my recently played with list. I had literally no recollection of who this person was. So I decide to open the message:
“I know what you watched last night.”
I’m kind of chuckling to myself at this point, thinking what in the heck is this guy talking about? Maybe he got the numbers switched in my username and meant to send it to someone else? So I send back something along the lines of:
“What did I watch then.”
His reply was when things started to get really sketchy:
“I am Man.”
I’m sitting there stunned at this point. I have no clue who this is. No one besides my immediate family knows I watched this show. What in the hell is going on?! Trying to keep cool I send back:
“Haha right. Who is this for real?”
“Man. I am Man.”
“Dude, this isn’t funny. Who the hell is this?”
“Play with me.”
I blocked him immediately after I got that one. Looking back on it it still freaks me out.
18. I found my friend bleeding out on the floor
Scariest thing I’ve ever seen was when I walked into my friends room and found him laying on the ground with his throat and wrists cut. There wasn’t much I could do I thought he was dead. I started CPR because I could not feel pulses. In my moment of panic I did not check for a carotid pulse. He was still alive but barely. By this time the ambulance had gotten there and after securing an iv they started loading him up with saline as he was in hemorrhagic shock. I don’t know why this part scared me but he opened his eyes and said thank you. It turns out he missed the major arteries in his wrists and did not cut through his trachea. He’s still alive today and I’ll never forget the “thank you” from a man I could have sworn was dead 5 minutes prior.
19. We saw a ghost while we were fooling around
Girl and I were on a balcony smoking a cigarette during a night of drinking. I lived on a hill, so across the street was just the hillside and a sidewalk. On that sidewalk was one lone streetlight. We were kinda drunkenly smoking and fooling around a bit.
Mid-embrace we happened to look over and see someone standing directly underneath the streetlight not moving an inch. It was a decent distance away so I couldn’t see many details, but they were definitely looking in our direction. This is deep in a neighborhood where no one is walking around because of the hills. There is no one else around and our cackling was the only sound anyone outside would hear.
We kinda laugh about it thinking the person was just walking and stopped for a second. We look back over a moment later and the person is still just standing there motionless. At this point my creep-factor went off and I started to feel anxious. I stared back but the person was unwavering.
We sort of moved away from the light of my balcony and hid for a minute. We went back into the light and no one was there any more. I tried looking up and down the street and couldn’t see anyone (there were no cars parked on that side of the street either).
Not saying it was a ghost. But I don’t know what it was and it was easily the most creepy thing to happen to me.
20. My grandmother had a seizure in front of me
When I was a freshman in high school I was spending the day with my grandma. I walked outside to get her mail and when I came back in she was sitting in her chair moving her right arm in a circular motion. I asked what she was doing and she tried to speak. None of the sounds she made were words. Suddenly her entire body began to move and shake in a way I had never seen. She was having a seizure. All I could do was watch. I was the only one home with her,crying, and not knowing what was happening or what to do, I called my mom. About 5 long minutes later my grandma went limp. In the instant I thought she had died right in front of me. She then sat up and spoke. She told me she thought she had just had a stroke. Shortly after, my mom arrived and the paramedics were called.
I had never witnessed something so terrifying. I thought my beloved grandma was dying in front of me. We later found out cancer had spread to her brain which caused the seizure.
21. We heard phantom footsteps in my friend’s mansion
I was at a friends house spending the night and he lives in an upperclass neighborhood(million dollar homes, lots of land, houses are spread out). There were a few people watching a movie in his theater room when we heard someone walking around upstairs. We found this strange because it was 3 in the morning, so we went upstairs to check things out. At first we thought it might have been one of my friend’s parents, but when we went upstairs all the lights were still off and nobody seemed to be there. Keep in mind he has a big house, so we take a few minutes to check all the rooms and dark corners and make sure all the doors are locked. Then we went back downstairs.
About a minute after we get into the basement we hear footsteps upstairs again and we all think somebody was messing with us. We creep back upstairs, silently this time, and when we see my friend’s front door wide open we all just about lost it. His parents were asleep the entire time, and because all the doors were locked before we went downstairs that means that somebody was in the house when we checked the first time.
22. I avoided death by a split second
A huge piece of wood falling down from a construction site onto the pavement where I would have been if I hadn’t stopped to check on my motorcycle.
23. My son stopped breathing
When my son was less than a week old, he stopped breathing. Walking into his room and seeing him gasping for air, then turning red, fuck, that was the scariest thing I have ever and hopefully will ever see. My heart rate jumped just thinking about just now. EMTs are fucking heroes.
24. The man from the movie was in the theater
I was like 10 or so and went to see Men In Black while my parents hung out in the casino in Laughlin Nevada one summer. There was a small wait between showings so everyone going into the movie was all gathered outside before it. I remember seeing this guy that looked really out of place in line. Dirty, acting weird, looked like he was sick, shitty clothes. He ended up being the fucking guy in the movie that gets his skin ripped off and worn around by the bug. I still have no idea what he was doing there or if it was some stunt/costume someone brought but it was identical to the guy in the movie. I saw him on the way out too and he was just walking around the hotel like everyone else, but acting weird. It was weird as fuck and my 10 year old self was 100% sure he was an alien wearing a guys skin and staying in the same hotel as me.
25. I didn’t know if my father was dead or alive
Seeing my dad’s business burnt to the ground with all of the cops and firefighters everywhere, not knowing if my dad was alive or not.
26. I was followed by a shark
I was taking photos of a small reef fish while solo scuba diving. Something scared the fish behind a coral head, so I picked my head up from behind the camera to find a 14 foot long tiger shark was circling me no more than 3 feet away.