30 Hair Raising Stories About What Can Happen When You’re Left All Alone

20. I saw a ghost on my college campus

Many years ago, when I was a college student, I was studying in the Campus Library on a chilly winter evening. I decided it was time to pack up and head out. I popped into the Mens room first and there I found a woman. She had her back to the door and she was crying. I asked if she was Ok, If she needed help? She turned and looked at as if i was crazy. Then she was gone. She didn’t go past me. there were no other exits. no spooky noises . just there one breath and gone the next. I hauled ass out of there. Lucky I didn’t piss myself right then and there. The Campus has plenty of ghost stories. Ive yet to hear one like that from anyone else.

21. I experienced intense fear out of nowhere

Actually happened to me a few days ago. I was procrastinating on Reddit, just reading about soccer and stuff at around 3 or 4 am in my empty dorm room. All of a sudden I feel FUCKING TERRIFIED. I have never been as scared like that before, it was just a feeling of blind panic with goosebumps, cold sweat and all. The strangest thing of all is that there was no reason why I should be scared, no strange noises, no looming figures, nothing. Just pure fear.

22. I heard a phantom fart

I was in the garage getting something when I heard an extremely loud, wet fart like the kind my dad rips. I was home alone. It wasn’t me. I still get creeped out by that pootergeist sometimes.

23. I heard a bizarre noise during a power outage

We lived rural so no street lights, home alone, dark outside, power goes off. No worries I’m not too bad in the dark. However as soon as the lights went out the electric toothbrush starts going full noise (it was on charge) don’t know why it happened but it took me a while to realize what it was, I was sure I was going to be chopped into little pieces. No real danger

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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