30 Hair Raising Stories About What Can Happen When You’re Left All Alone

7. Someone grabbed me in my sleep

I was camping with friends. It was early in the season and we were the only ones in that section of the park. One morning I stayed in my sleeping bag in the tent while everyone else went to the facilities, which were a bit of a walk away. I dozed off again. I was awoken by someone grabbing my foot through the tent. I was groggy and assumed it was a friend playing a joke and kicked and said fuck off. My foot was grabbed again and pulled, and I kicked again pretty hard, not afraid to kick my friend who was now pissing me off. He stopped and I dozed off again.

I woke up again probably less than half an hour later and heard my friends in the distance, returning. When they got back I asked them who was the one trying to wake me up. They had no idea what I was talking about, honestly. I told them about something grabbing my foot through the tent and they thought I was trying to tell a story to scare them. I still have no idea what it was. It wasn’t even dark out at the time.

8. I heard footsteps in my empty house

My cousin and I went to Dallas together but he had to stay an extra day for work so I came back to his house on my own. He lives on top of a hill in a big ol’ house and it was a bit creepy.

I was just lounging around when I hear what sounded like some heavy footsteps running a few steps and suddenly stopping. HOLY CRAP. I have a major freak out. Went to check the doors to make sure they were locked. Front door, locked. Side door, locked. Back door…. OH. MY. GOD. Not only unlocked but slightly open. I decided to go through the house and found nothing. Closets, under beds, everywhere. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Footsteps continued every once in a while. I was pretty sure I was going to die that night.


9. A group of children emerged from the forest

It was 2 AM And I was bored. So I went out to this park a bit out of town to go biking. It for the most part is surrounded by trees at all ends, with a running/biking track that goes around the park. The park was lined with street lights though, so you could vaguely see.

I’ve been going there for a few times that week around this time because it unwinded me and felt good at that out outside. But this time when I was making my rounds. I see four fucking 6 year old looking figures come out of the forest. It was 4-7 Of them I don’t remember. But these little things didn’t have a parent with them and all and seemingly stayed silhouetted. I was kind of biking in their general direction when they started fucking coming towards me .

Thankfully I was around 200 feet away from them but I could make out them and the spooky little shits were coming. I don’t think I biked faster my entire life. I literally became Lance Armstrong with an extra testicle for a good 3 minutes, charging it home.

It was unexplainable. I’ve been alone and haven’t seen a single person all the times I went. I haven’t gone since, needless to say.

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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