27 Insanely Scary Stories That Will Chill You To The Core

23. A man pissed as close to me as possible

I was taking a piss in a public urinal in the public park when I was out for a picnic with my kids on a Saturday afternoon. The urinal was the long metal kind with no dividers in. This very old dude was taking a piss at the other end. I did the right thing and went as far away as possible from him to take my piss. He kind of sidled all the way along, still pissing, until he was right beside me.

24. My bed moved without warning

When I was about 9 or so, my bed would shake in the middle of the night. It wasn’t violent nor was it a small vibration that could be easily dismissed. The first time it happened I froze and didn’t sleep at all. The next morning, I told my mother and she told me it was probably the dog lying right next to the bed scratching her ears. I accepted this as a dog scratching itself would be appropriate amount of force to result in the movement the bed made. The next night though, it happened again and my dog was definitely not in my room as I could hear her barking outside. I was shit baked scared. Again, I froze and shut my eyes so hard it hurt. This happened on and off for the rest of the time I was in that room and still to this day I am searching for a logical explanation. Each time, there was no one else in the room. There was no one “doing carpentry work” in any of the adjoining rooms or in the room below. There was never a “woodpecker pecking at the wall” my bed was next to. A “drafty window” could not have possible made that movement. None of my brothers and sisters were hiding under my bed shaking it. It was in no way, shape or form caused by “the house settling”. I was not imagining it in my sleep, half the time it happened when I first climbed in bed. I thought it was something linked to that room, something explainable, but a couple days ago out of the blue it happened again and I am currently living on my own in a different country than when I was a child. I am creeped.

25. I predicted an entire conversation

A pretty creepy thing happened when I was eating lunch at my aunts 20 years ago. I was chomping down on my sandwich, just contemplating life. A random scenario popped into my head: I pictured the phone ringing, my aunt getting up and answering the phone. She would say “hello? … yep she is sitting right here having her lunch… sure just a sec” then hand me the phone and say “dontu_forgetaboutme its your mom”. Not even a second after this, the exact scenario played out. I mentioned it to my aunt and she nonchalantly said ‘oh that happens some times…’

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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