27 Insanely Scary Stories That Will Chill You To The Core

15. My date tried to attack me

This was a little over 10 years ago, and smart phones hadn’t quite kicked off yet. I’d been hooking up with guys for BDSM on the internet for a few years by that point, so I had some experience in vetting new people.

I talked to this guy for a while and we finally agree to meet up at his place. After getting incredibly lost, I finally get to his street and can’t find his address because there are no street lights and it’s fairly rural. I get in touch with him and he says he’ll come down to the road to get me.

It’s common practice when meeting someone for BDSM-oriented play to leave an address with a friend in case something goes wrong. As I get off the phone I see the a house and porch light turn off, and a moment later the guy walks down from that house. The moon comes out as he’s heading down, and I notice the house across the street from where he was coming has the street number he gave me.

I start to freak out a little and he approaches my car, then tries to tell me to go up his driveway and park in front of his car (with his car between mine and the street). It took me another second to process and I just say “Uh, no” and speed off.

So basically we have him setting up a situation so I could be blind-sided once out of the car, where my car could not be seen from the street, and where if police were called they would arrive across the street instead.

16. A phantom pushed my wheelchair

When I was 10, I had been recovering from a broken leg and had to use a wheelchair to get around.

Well, one night, I had to use the the bathroom, so I got up out of bed and made my way down the hall in my chair. After I was ready to head back to bed, I hopped back into my chair and sat there in the hallway for a little bit to scratch underneath my cast. (Those things ITCH like a son of bitch, by the way.)

So, there I was, just scratching away and then the next thing that happened was someone or something started pushing the back of my wheelchair slowly back down the hall. I must’ve moved at least 8-10 inches forward.

I freaked the fuck out and quickly turned the hall light on, but when I turned around to see who it was, no one was there.

It definitely wasn’t my parents, because when I started yelling, both of them came out of their bedroom to see what was up. It couldn’t have been my brother, because we had been sharing a room at the time, and he was fast asleep.

The floor in my hallway isn’t slanted, either. I’ve never had the problem of having to use the breaks on the wheelchair because it’s simply just a flat floor.

I still have no idea what made the chair move, but ever since then, I don’t fuck around in the hallway longer than I need to anymore.

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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