27 Insanely Scary Stories That Will Chill You To The Core

7. My house was haunted

When I was about 5 months old, my mom got pregnant with my little sister so my parents decided to find a bigger place for our expanding family. My dad found a decent sized place in a town about ten minutes from his work (My worked as a tree trimmer) for a good price. When he questioned the realtor about the price, my dad was told that three people had died in the house (all of natural causes) My dad didn’t believe in that kind of stuff so he kept it from my mom knowing she would flip out. Moving day came and went and we just tried to settle in.

The following things happened during the eight months we lived there.

My brother (three and a half at the time) had that barnyard toy that every kid has had at some point in their life, that started going off at night. My parents thought that he was getting out of bed and playing with it so they put it on the top shelf of his closet. It still continued to go off.

My dad and brother would often see a woman in a red dress out of the corner of their eyes.

After about a month, my brother started waking up at night to see an old man standing over his bed looking at him. He started sleeping with my parents and continued to until we moved.

My mom took me and my brother to visit my aunt one day, leaving my dad at home alone. He had this speaker system in the basement and was downstairs when he heard our front door open, shut, and then footsteps across the floor. Dad thought it was my mom and went upstairs only to find no one there. When my mom did come back, he asked if she had returned at anytime and she said no.

The event that made us move was when my mom felt someone try and push her down the basement stairs. She grabbed me and my brother, drove to my aunts house, called my dad at work and said that she was not going to bring another child into that house.

We ended up staying with my aunt for a bit until we moved but as far as I know my mom never set foot in that house again

8. I heard a noise in the empty woods.

I went camping by myself in Maine, one night I woke up at like 3am. Not being able to fall asleep I just laid there listening to the woods. Then I heard a faint hello…. I was petrified. I felt so vulnerable in the tent. I never figured out what it was.

9. I was nearly killed by an explosion

Working in the oil field, I was the new guy and I had the shit jobs. We have this big stack (think of a giant chimney) about 60 feet or so in the air where we burn all the harmful gases that come out of the drilling hole. We had an electric burner up top that burnt out and we had to fix it. I was in charge of taking the expert up there in a man lift. Long story short, we fixed it and as we were heading down about 10 feet away from it, the stack lit up and a normal sized flame came out. By normal sized flame, I mean a small 20-25 foot high flame. We felt the heat and had some burnt hair on our bodies but we were fine. Less then 3 minutes later, I look back at the stack…. And the biggest flame ever starts coming out of the stack. A normal flame is about 20-30 feet… This one was higher then our Rig was. I was about 250 feet away in the man basket still and I felt the heat that far away. Needless to say I saw the rest of the crew running for their lives thinking the place was going blow up. It was pretty damn scary for all of us, especially me when I had less then a years experience. Then after waiting for the flame to slow down, we had to quickly go back to the stack because our smart managers decided to keep all our oil, chemicals and under important things right beside the stack and they were about to blow up. There is never a dull moment. I think I can find the picture if there is enough interest.

10. My dying father woke me up

My father was dying. It was only a matter of time. It was about 3 a.m. and I was catching a nap in the hospital waiting room. Something woke me suddenly, like a cold finger touching my brain. I walked into his room only to see him take his last five or six breaths. I swear he woke me up to come and watch him go.

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Keep up with Holly on Instagram, Twitter and Amazon

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