17 Horrifying True Stories That Happened To Real Campers (That Will Make You Never Go Outside Again)

6. Dog barking at nothing

“It’s always scary when you’re sitting by the fire minding your own business and then your dog gets up and starts barking into the darkness.” 

7. Stepped on a rattlesnake

“I once accidentally peed on a coiled-up diamondback rattlesnake while hiking in New Mexico.”

8. Hundreds of buffalo appeared

“When I was about 13 my parents and I took a trip to Yellowstone National Park.

While hiking a trail we heard a huge crash and a loud scream. “Watch out” were the words yelled out from someone not in sight on the trail ahead.

Hundreds of Buffalo appeared crashing through the trees coming towards us. Executing our natural flight response to this dismal turn of events we ram as fast as we could through the woods. I tripped at one point and will remember screaming out to my mother who was already there to help me out.

My father yelled to us to follow him as he started running up the hill on the other side of the path. Five seconds later we saw the herd of Buffalo passing us.

Turns out if you are ever being chased by a herd of Buffalo you should run up hill because the herd will naturally go down hill.

We went to a diner right after that for lunch and I ordered a Buffalo burger. Gave me a sense of victory.”

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