5. Rustling in the brush
“This happened after my hunt for some whitetail in northern Michigan. I was leaving the woods and heading for my car for the long ride home. The sun was setting and the air was crisp, the smell of fall in the air. As I got to my car, I heard some rustling in the brush on the other side of the trail I was parked on. Thinking it was an animal, I looked across and saw a guy standing there. He was slightly swaying from side to side. Not a drunk sway, but more of an impatient standing in line for a long time type of sway.
I said, “Hey man, you lost?”
He didn’t answer, but he gave the creepiest smirk and tilted his head back slightly without taking his eyes off of me. Needless to say I was creeped the fuck out. My guns made me feel protected but as I loaded my pack and my shotgun in the car, I didn’t take my eyes off of him, and he kept his locked on mine. I kept my 9mm on me in case he tried something. I was parked parallel to the trail, so when I got in the car, I could still see him. I drove and checked my mirror. He was in the middle of the trail just walking in my direction. That was the creepiest day hunting I have ever had.”