Here Are All Your Favorite Thought Catalog Classics Re-titled As If They Were Posted In 2017
14 Truths About Our Rapidly Decaying Planet That Only Old Souls Who Are Also Empaths Will Understand
Heidi Priebe
It’s no secret that Thought Catalog has changed and evolved in leaps and bounds over the years. From the website’s earliest days in 2010, it has grown massively in terms of readership, author diversity and reach. But perhaps one of the most interesting components of the site is being able to look back at how the Internet itself has changed over the years. While obscure snippets of information used to serve as satisfactory headlines, the Internet now likes its headlines to be laden with identity-verifiers. Which leads us to the entertaining opportunity to evaluate how vague headlines from way back in 2010 would likely be re-branded today.
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
What Being In The Chainsmokers Actually Means (Because It’s More Than Just Singing The Song “Closer” Over And Over Until Your Ears Bleed)
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing For Calories And Political Gain (Like Eating Other Humans)
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
6 Leonard Bernstein Quotes That Will Soothe Your Aching Heart And Glue Your Shattered Spirit Back Together
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
How To Love A Girl Who Destabilized And Reconfigured The Language Of Sexual Identity In The Early ’70s Through Late ’90s
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
Here’s Who Will Make Your Dreams Come True Once Oprah’s Gone, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
22 Saucy Sexts You Can Send Him Tonight That Will Definitely Convince Him To Marry You
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
10 Things You Don’t Realize The Universe Is Doing Because God Didn’t Create It
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
16 Signs Your Doctor Is A Narcissistic Fuckboy Disguised As Your Forever Person And You Absolutely Should Not Trust Him
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
The One Word That Describes Which Assless Animal You Are In A Relationship, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
14 Truths About Our Rapidly Decaying Planet That Only Old Souls Who Are Also Empaths Will Understand
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
If The Ivy League School You’re Applying To Doesn’t Do These 14 Key Things Without Hesitation, It Doesn’t Deserve Your Adolescence
2010 Title:

2017 Title:
Obama Please Come Back, Please Please Please Please Please Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease