Oscar Keys

The Realization That Will Trigger Your Quarter-Life Crisis, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ESFJ and ENFJ – The realization that they may always be the one who loves more.


Oscar Keys
Oscar Keys

ENTP and ENFP – The realization that life is too short for them to experience absolutely everything they want to experience before they die.

Types that lead with extroverted intuition are ceaselessly possibility-oriented, and take a “Try everything once” approach to life. By the time they’ve hit a quarter of a century or so, however, the ENxPs of the world are beginning to realize that the time they have on earth is limited – and that they may not have time to cash in on absolutely every pipe dream that they have established for themselves.

The realization that they may have to start discriminating between appealing plans for the future is enough to launch the possibility-oriented ENxP types into full-on crisis mode – and elicit a quarter-life crisis.

ISFP and INFP – The realization that everything may not happen for a reason after all.

Types that lead with introverted feeling are naturally in tune with the deeper meaning behind everything that happens to them – often believing that there is some form of Universal plan governing their lives.

However, by the time their first quarter of a century on earth has passed, this type has often witnessed enough senseless occurrences to make them start second-guessing whether everything really does happen for a reason after all – or if life is, in large part, just senseless and random. This consideration is significant enough to ricochet the pensive IxFP types into serious existential crisis mode.

ISTP and INTP – The realization that truth and rationality are not necessarily governing forces in society.

Types that lead with introverted thinking are on a never-ending quest for truth, understanding and clarity – and they don’t see why the rest of the world wouldn’t be.

However, by the time they’ve been around for a quarter of a century or so, it starts to sink for these types that the world around them often prioritizes emotion and convenience well above logic.

When IxTPs begin to realize that they may have to behave illogically in order to achieve traditional versions of ‘success,’ they are forced into the mind-numbing quarter-life dilemma of wanting to continue their search for truth at all costs, but also wanting to eat and pay rent.

INFJ and INTJ – The realization that the ideal circumstances they’ve been attempting to cultivate their entire lives may not exist.

Types that lead with introverted intuition are simultaneously idealistic and perfectionistic in nature. INxJs have clear visions of the futures that they hope to achieve – and for the first portions of their lives they are ceaselessly scouting their environments for opportunities to make these ideals a reality.

However, by the time their mid-twenties roll around, many Ni-dominant types are starting to realize that their visions of an ideal partner, job or lifestyle are incompatible with the world that surrounds them – and that they may have to compromise on one or more of their ideals.

The realization that the INxJ cannot ‘have it all’ is enough to provide them with a significant source of existential angst as they approach their first quarter of a century on earth.

ESFJ and ENFJ – The realization that they may always be the one who loves more.

Types that lead with extroverted feeling are consistently focused on the needs and desires of those around them. And although these types do genuinely enjoy giving out love without ulterior motives, most of them harbour the secret hope that they will eventually meet someone who caters to their needs and desires in the same way as they cater to others.

However, after the first twenty-five years of giving out love, these types often come to realize that they are simply in tune with others needs in ways that the majority of the people around them are not. The realization that they may never be loved back in the exact same way as they love others is one that can send any ExFJ type into an existential tailspin.

ESTJ and ENTJ – The realization that a large proportion of what affects them in life will be entirely outside of their control.

Types that lead with extroverted thinking are highly proficient at spinning chaotic situations into controlled ones. They are keenly in control of their environments at most points in time – and this is exactly where they’re comfortable.

However, by the time they approach a quarter of a century on earth, ExTJs have undoubtedly experienced at least one significant upset in their lives that was entirely outside of their control. The experience of being completely unable to alter a situation that has a significant impact on their emotional or physical wellbeing is a difficult one for the ExTJ to swallow – and one that is more than capable of inducing a quarter-life crisis.

ISFJ and ISTJ – The realization that life doesn’t follow the plan they’ve been trained on their entire lives.

Types that lead with introverted sensing are excellent at adhering to pre-decided courses of action. Growing up, these types enjoyed the structure of attending school in order to achieve the job of their choosing upon graduation and following other such plans that society had pre-decided for them.

However, by the time they approach their first quarter of a century on earth, the ISxJ is doubtlessly beginning to realize that life is infinitely more chaotic than they were told it would be – and the sheer amount of choice that is available to them in their external environment is enough to induce some serious stress in these structured types by the time they hit their mid twenties.

ESFP and ESTP – The realization that they can’t fly by the seat of their pants forever.

Types that lead with extroverted sensing are notoriously focused on the here and now. They enjoy running with whichever opportunities present themselves in the moment and therefore often shy away from making concrete long-term plans.

However, by the time these types approach the first quarter century of their lives, they are beginning to realize that long-term plans are a necessity for their survival – and they have to map out the next years of their lives if they do not want to get entirely left in the dust. To these free-spirited types, the thought of eliminating potential options drives them mad – and is enough to elicit a serious quarter-life crisis. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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