This Is How You Know He’s Not Right For You
You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea.

You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never show up on your doorstep on a Friday night wanting to hang out with you only to tell you that he’s not ready to be in a relationship, that he wants to be alone and needs time and space to figure out his life. You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you he wants to be alone.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never kiss you so deeply and so passionately only to then use that same mouth to tell you that you really shouldn’t get your hopes up or become any more attached than you already are. You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you not to get attached.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never continually call and text you only to then tell you that you probably shouldn’t have any contact because he doesn’t want to lead you on or give you the wrong idea.
You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never make love to you all night only to turn and look at you in the morning to make sure you’re not reading too much into anything or thinking that he’s going to change his mind about you. You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you not to read too much into anything.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never act like you’re together while suggesting that you need to move on and date other guys. Nor would he spend more time on his phone than talking to you, making you wonder and question who it is he’s communicating with. You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you to move on and date other people.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never let you fall in love with him or allow you to keep on loving him even though he has no intention of returning that love. Nor would your guy keep coming back for more of your love even though he’s done nothing to deserve it. You know he’s not your guy when he’s not telling you he loves you.
You know he’s not your guy because your guy would never scoop you up in his arms and press your head gently against his chest only to tell you that his heart just isn’t ready to give itself to another and that he’s simply not able to give you what you deserve.
You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you he can’t give you what you deserve.
No, you know he’s not your guy because your guy will show up on your doorstep on a Friday night telling you how much he’s missed you and how he just couldn’t wait to see you. Your guy will kiss you so deeply and passionately because he, not only wants to get your hopes up, he wants to keep them there. Your guy will text and call you, not for any reason other than to let you know he’s thinking about you. Your guy will make love to you all night and then he’ll come back to do the same the following night. And then the night after that.
Your guy will make it safe for you to fall in love with him and when you do he will guard your love with his life.
He will treasure it, cherish it, but most importantly, he will return it. And when he scoops you up in his arms and holds you tightly against his chest, he will keep you there. You will know then this is your guy.
And you will know for sure he’s your guy because when he does finally have you in his arms, he will know exactly what he is holding. He will feel the depth of your love and the preciousness of your heart. He will know the distance you have travelled and the lengths you have gone to in order to stay open to his love.
He will sense the heartbreak you’ve endured and the countless tears you have cried. And he will never want you to go through anything like that again.
Nor will he let you. You guy knows that to let you go would be to make the biggest mistake of his life. Your guy is far too smart for that.
You will know he’s your guy because he will tell you. He will look at you kindly and simply say, ‘I’m your guy.’