Hedley Derenzie

Because life is a story worth telling.
Articles by
Hedley Derenzie
One Day You’ll Get Over Him
You will get over wishing you could see him one more time because you know it won’t change anything.
7 Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself When Self-Love Doesn’t Come Easily
We all make mistakes. Unfortunately, not all of us are as good at forgiving ourselves.
24 Ways To Survive The First 24 Hours Of A Break-Up
The first 24-hours following a break up can be hard. It can feel like the seam of your soul is being torn apart.
I’m Disappointed Things Didn’t Work Out, But I’m Glad We Dated
I guess this is why they say romantic relationships are more like spiritual assignments. They don’t always give you want you want but they always give you what you need.
This Is How You Know He’s Not Right For You
You know he’s not your guy when he’s telling you he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea.
When Love Has Exhausted You, There’s Only One Thing To Do
Your heart is depleted from extending itself to those who probably didn’t deserve it in the first place. You know something has to change, but you no longer have the energy to figure out what that is or how to do it.