Harris Sockel
I like running in circles inside my apartment.
Articles by
Harris Sockel
You’re Allowed To Come Out Of The Closet Whenever You Want
I never “came out” of “the closet.” And by that, I mean there was no single point in time when I decided to Be Myself. Instead, I just sort of… expanded.
Rebranding My Mom
When your mom loses her job, you realize all those years of turning you into you — waking up at 3 a.m. to clean your vomit, fielding existential crises, driving you home from high school ragers — aren’t things she can line-item on a resume.
I Want To Be Bored With You
We can only be bored after we’ve been everything else. We can only be bored after we’ve wanted to fuck one another and kill one another, after we’ve been monumentally silent and pitifully loud.
No One Knows You Like The Friends You See Twice A Year
These are the friends who greet you with an it’s-been-too-damn-long hug. The friends who knew you before you had sex, before you had a title and a desk and a commute.
Dating A Man With One Testicle
We kissed in the kitchen, next to a lazy Susan and a few glass pears.
How To Hack Writing A Personal Essay
If it’s a device, delete it.
How To Think Like A Freshman And Make Your Dreams Come True
This is not Your Life. It’s just life. Not really yours. Stop thinking you can control things and make everything just so and accept that this will end, the leaves will get brown and fall, and you’ll step on them and get the flecks on your feet.
All The Metaphors You’ll Ever Need For The Summer
Summer is when we realize all of a sudden that we have always had too much skin.
What Twitter Looks Like In A Tragedy
Twitter manifests that, makes it feel real, like a cross-section of all the wild blood flows that happen in our brains when bad things go down.