[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsABTmT1_M0&w=600&h=350%5D
1. Bubble bath with rose petals in the water and Sade on the iPod. Corny but efficient.
2. A glass of wine or seven.
3. Buy yourself that thing you want that you’re always putting off. Just do it now. Stop putting it off. Stop feeling guilty. You earned it.
4. Get a cheap-o Chinatown massage. It’s not as weird as you think. They’re actually kind of addicting.
5. Do an at-home facial. Even put cucumber slices on your own eyes. Why the eff not?
6. Make popcorn and settle in to watch a zillion episodes of your favorite TV show. Do not move until you’ve finished whole seasons.
7. Make your bed and spray it with citrus-y perfume. Citrus boosts the mood and relieves stress. And it’s always nice when your bed smells good.
8. Give yourself a mani-pedi. Like sit by your tub and actually wash your feet with nice-smelling soap beforehand and everything. Get those funky manicure stickers you always want to try but feel like might be weird and just do ’em.
9. Buy flowers for your house and put them in every room. Turn your apartment into a green house.
10. Ice. Cream.
11. Put on some music and dance around by yourself in your room.
12. Get a crazy delicious Starbucks drink that probably has 12,000 calories. Feel no shame.
13. Turn off your phone, turn off the lights and turn on some ocean sounds or other sleep noise CD. Just zone out and silence your brain.
14. Masturbate.
15. Make a list of everything you’re grateful for so that even though today was hard, you remember there are great things in your life.
16. Text or call someone you really enjoy and tell them you love and appreciate them.
17. Read your favorite novel or comic book or story on the internet. Read it slow and savor it.
18. Go through your closet. Throw out any clothing you haven’t worn in years. It’ll make you feel productive and give you stuff to wear that you actually like.
19. Online shop, or at least window shop and bookmark awesome stuff to get later. It’s a great distraction.
20. Exercise. Even doing some small stretches can help relax you and make your body feel better.
21. Meditate. Turn off all your electronics and come up with a stress-free mantra to repeat as you concentrate on your breathing.
22. Go to the store and buy a buttload of candy. Like, tons of candy. Eat all of it. You’re an adult, goddamn it.
23. Take a nap. You work hard. The office or world or whatever else won’t miss you for a few hours.
24. Order food from a place you love even if it’s close enough for you to go pick it up.
25. Put on a fuzzy bathrobe and fuzzy slippers and anything else fuzzy you own. All at once.
26. Cook your favorite meal for yourself. Add cheese and salt and whatever other “unhealthy,” delicious ingredients you might otherwise leave out.
27. Surround yourself in cats. Either your own cat or a friend’s cat or the cats at the local animal shelter. Just get some cats into your hugs now.