15 Things To Remind Yourself Of When Life Seems Overwhelming And Difficult
There’s time for everything in this life. There’s time to mourn, cry, to be angry, to feel indifferent, but there’s also time to laugh, hug, kiss, and dance.
Raise your hand if this year has been rough. Yeah, I know. We’ve all had a rough year. Some of us have had a rough few years. Now, do me a favor and put your hand on your chest. Do you feel that? That’s called life. Your heart hasn’t stopped beating to keep you alive, so don’t waste any more of it feeling sorry for yourself. There’s time for everything in this life. There’s time to mourn, cry, to be angry, to feel indifferent, but there’s also time to laugh, hug, kiss, and dance. If you’ve been moping for a while, maybe it’s time you remind yourself of these things and finally start living life more fully.
1. You’re more than just your body.
You have a mind, a soul and a heart. The outside is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more in you that people love than what’s on the outside. Put more focus on what’s inside and let that beauty flourish from the inside out.
2. You can do anything.
If you focus and plan, you’ll surely reach those goals. It’ll take work, but it’ll feel good to know that hard work and helping yourself was your key to success.
3. You’re the only person who can make you happy.
No one else can make you happy, nor can you fill voids in the happiness department with material things. You and only you can control your level of happiness.
4. Problems have solutions.
Take a moment. Breathe. Think. Analyze. Plan. Solve. You can do it.
5. Is your problem really that big or are you being dramatic?
Stop and assess. Don’t waste energy on worrying about something not worth worrying about.
6. Be thankful for your support system.
No matter how big or how small, you’re part of a community of people who love you. Appreciate them and give thanks that you have someone to turn to.
7. You’re not alive to impress anyone.
Life is not about fitting in or making people like you because of how you look or what you have. Social media is full of liars and the moment you understand that, the lesser you’ll feel like impressing anyone.
8. Do things for yourself.
If you like it, do it. If it makes you feel good, do it. If it makes you happy, do it. If it makes you feel empowered, do it.
9. Life has a long list of good things ready for you.
You may be in a rut now, but that won’t be forever. Life always gives us sweet surprises. Be on the lookout.
10. Failing doesn’t mean it’s over.
You may have failed 1,000 times and feel like giving up. That’s ok. If you don’t want to give up and know you want to continue persevering, that’s also ok. It’s not over until you say it is.
11. People love you, so why don’t you love yourself?
We have this tendency to constantly self-deprecate. We under-value and under-appreciate ourselves, when the people we know value and love us. If they can love you, you can definitely love yourself too.
12. Life doesn’t suck as much as you think it does.
If we look hard enough, finding the bright side to life isn’t all that hard. Count your blessings, literally. Write them down and be amazed. Your life isn’t that bad.
13. You’re not alone.
We’re all on this journey together. And yes, life can seem easier for some and harder for others, but a wise man once said, “the sun rises for both good and evil”. You’ll get a fair shot at the things you want, but in the meantime, rest assured that everyone is fighting for something. You’re not an isolated case.
14. Messing up just means you’re human.
Congrats, you’re not a robot, or an alien, or a fictional character. You’re a real, live person who stumbles. Dust yourself off and start over. It’s that simple.
15. Don’t deprive yourself of anything lovely.
Never deny yourself the opportunity to love, eat, dance, sing, cry, shout, etc. Go. See new places, make new friends, try new things. Life is short and isn’t meant to be rationed.