Erika Brose

Erika is a natural empath, a fully qualified Spiritual Counsellor, Holistic Healing Practitioner, Soul Plan Practitioner and Life Coach.
Articles by
Erika Brose
Why Things Have To Get Worse Before They Can Get Better
A healing crisis is often part of the healing process. If we want to be true to ourselves, we have to release our old wounds and conditioning. Some people call this healing, others integration.
How To Let Go Of Unhealthy Relationships By Cutting Out Your Fear-Based Cords
Many people experience a tremendous sense of freedom, clarity or peace of mind when the unwanted baggage falls away after a cord-cutting process. Both negative and positive cords can be formed again if we continue to send the same thoughts towards someone or something.
How To Deal With Difficult People When You’re A Sensitive Soul
I knew that even though it is my nature to be an empath, I can learn to take more care of myself and establish clearer boundaries.