28 Men And Women Who Killed Someone Else Confess To How It Happened And The Weight They Now Carry

12. Was In The Military But This Still Stands Out

When I was 5 years old my family was living on a small street of an army base. My best friend lived two houses down and we would forever pick on our sisters. (Mine was 4 and his was 3) One day we thought it would be fun to climb onto the carport and yell for them to try and find us, and when they did we would splash them with water from up high. Mine came and it went as planned, his sister however ran into the street and was crushed by a moving truck driving by. He just screamed, I jumped off trying to get her to wake up. Everyone in the family came outside to see what was going on, only to see me trying to shake awake this bloody mess of a little girl. My family dragged me away and the ambulance showed up to take away the body. My friend moved away within weeks, and I didn’t play outside until we moved from that house less than a year later. Years after I would drive by there just to cry. I still think about it sporadically, but I have never sought professional help for it. I was responsible for others during my time in the military, but none have ever had the same impact.


13. Seven Stairs

Fourteen years old. Spent the night at my best friend’s house after our hometown 4th of July celebration. Woke up in the morning to find that her mother had left us to babysit her 8-month-old old sister while she (the mom) ran errands. We are painting our nails on the floor of the kitchen, while the infant cruises around in her walker, and hear a crash. We forgot to put the gate up and the baby fell down the stairs in her walker. Seven. Fucking. Stairs. She hit her head on the railing and died in the hospital after 3 days in the ICU. About 4 years of PTSD, for me. But no one really knew I was there, my best friend was branded a baby killer. High school is tough.


14. A Man Breaks Into The Wrong House

At the time I was a single mother. A man broke into my house in the middle of the night. I shot him on my tile entry. Hit him in the eye, died on contact. Bled out all over my floor. 2 yr old didn’t even wake up. He had a full abduction kit in his trunk. Had 2 guns and a machete on him. DA declined to press charges, and the state cleared me of any wrongdoing. I refused the TV circuit, talking about it. honestly, I would like it if my son did not learn about it until he was at least a teen

All I know, middle of the night and someone broke in….in Texas. He played a game he wasn’t going to win


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