22 Private Investigators Confess To The Weirdest, Most Messed Up Cases They Ever Had
A roommate I had in college was a strange guy. This guy came from the other side of the country (I'm US). He went out at all hours of the night, never showed up for class, slept during the day, and drank more energy drinks than is healthy. His parents were worried about him, apparently,…
By Eric Redding
12. This Is Some International Spy Stuff
I have a story about this. My Brother was a PI in the early 90’s. He worked for a law firm. I was in my early 20’s and so he got me a gig as a process server.
He was working a particularly nasty divorce case. Husband was a Jordanian national married to an American woman (one of several wives) who was over being the broodmare in the family and wanted out. Also, she worked for NASA.
He was tasked with going into their house, which was in her name (she wasn’t living there, she was in an apartment until this was settled) and getting a briefcase with financial information in it. Since I was the process server, I had to go along in case someone was home for whatever reason.
We went and waited down the road until everyone left and went in and got the briefcase. no big deal. We take it back to the attorney’s office and he calls the lady and says he has it. She gives him the combination he opens it and it was full of technical plans from Boeing for the Apache helicopter.
Attorney says “Fuck”, instantly shuts the briefcase, tells me and my brother to leave now, so we did. We never heard any more about that case at all, other than he contacted the FBI over it.
13. Employment Background Check Turns Up Dirt
Doing a standard pre-employment background check on a guy, found that he was found guilty in a sexual harassment case. Didn’t have the case details at that point and the guy denied it was him. Pulled more details from the case and confirmed that it was definitely him… And that he was convicted of indecent exposure. The guy finally admitted it was him, but claimed it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Pulled the court transcripts. Turns out he flashed a 12-year-old on the beach and said “ever seen one of these before?” He did not get the job.
14. Snitches Get Stitches
My friend is a PI. Apparently, municipal waste management drivers were dealing drugs from the trucks. He was hired to ride around with the supposed ring leader as ‘the new guy’. Upper management got word of it and wanted to hire a PI before calling the cops and the local media getting word of it. First day on this job he was riding around on the back of the truck and woke up in the hospital with a cracked skull/serious concussion. Supposedly fell off the back and hit his head. He doesn’t remember a thing. He’s a strong/athletic guy who I don’t see falling off very easily. We think something very sketchy happened but were never able to prove anything.