18 People Talk About What It’s Like When Your Spouse Gains A Lot Of Weight But You Don’t

15. Actual Medical Factors, Depression, And Being Poor

I’m very fat with an average weight husband. I was a little overweight when I first met him, but progressively gained as we went out. I found out I had a hormonal imbalance that contributed to my weight gain. I’m battling with it now, but I’m definetly still fat. I’m not proud of my situation. I know I don’t look my best, but my husband still makes me feel beautiful. I have a combination of actual medical factors, depression, and being poor, and it makes losing weight very difficult. My husband accepts this about me, and is supportive of my struggles. I have recently begun a medical weightloss program at my doctor’s office and I am feeling optimistic. I haven’t given up on my well-being or appearance, but to the outside observer it may look that way. Thats why it’s important not to judge people from their appearance.

16. I Don’t Want Junk Food In My House

I was dating this girl. About a month after dating she started blowing up. Went to her house and she was eating tim tams the whole time. She offered me some, but I have terrible genetics, so I basically only eat meat and veggies. She had like 30 boxes of these things that her mom had sent her from Australia. She told me that she used to be morbidly obese, but had lost the weight and her family didn’t even recognize her any more. I just ended it. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn’t eat healthy. I don’t want junk food in my house. I don’t want my kids eating it. I want a house filled with veggies.

17. Working Out Together Made Us Happier

My wife and I both gained weight. We were in good shape when we met but then we got complacent. Between jobs, having a child, and just being plain lazy we both ended up at a weight neither of us were happy with. Not obese, but not comfortable at a beach either.

We started working out at home together using beach body workouts. We’ve both seen improvements, encourage and support each other, and are overall happier.

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