18 People Talk About What It’s Like When Your Spouse Gains A Lot Of Weight But You Don’t

10. I Felt Trapped

Divorce. I felt as though I was hoodwinked. Obesity was only a small part of it, though. I doubt that alone would have caused me any real problems.

She was normal weight, funny, very nice to me. We got married. I felt as though I had fallen into a trap. She immediately stopped eating correctly and exercising. I’m sure this played a massive role in the intensification of her mood swings. One day I told her how unfair it was for her to degrade her body like that while she gets to have sex with a guy who exercises. I told her I do this mostly for her because we promised each other exclusivity and I wanted her to be happy sexually. She completely rejected everything I said and posted all of this to facebook, obviously heavily exaggerating what I had said in an attempt to publicly humiliate me into accepting her fat body. Fuck that, so I filed for divorce.

One year later I see her and she is back to her normal weight and engaged. No idea what happened after that. She’s probably married and obese again.

11. We Both Fucked Up And It Ended

Well god damn. I was in a relationship for a year and a half with a really amazing girl. But after about 8 months, the arguing started, especially if she had a few drinks. She was insecure, and would take it out on me, often. I was very faithful, and only had eyes for her, but she would frequently accuse me of having a wandering eye. She couldn’t help but start an argument over any interaction I had with a woman, past or present. At first I kinda liked this attention, but over time it irritated the hell out of me.

A year in, she changed her diet, started losing weight, trying to look good, but it suddenly took a turn. The last 2-3 months she gained 40-50 pounds, and I felt a part of myself quickly lose attraction to her body (5’6″/240). The last night we were together, she was on top, I felt her stomach heavily pressing against me as I often did in the last couple months, and I told her we have to stop. Yeah, it came out at worst possible moment. She admitted she gained 100 pounds in the past with her first husband, and she felt ashamed back then. She told me she was afraid I would cheat on her if we stayed together, I told her the same, if I stayed with her I lacked self respect and she would cheat on me to be with a guy who had self respect. We broke up that weekend, it was messy. A few months later I saw a facebook picture, she had obviously lost some weight, but like you said, history repeats itself.

We were a few months away from moving in together, and getting married. The stress we were feeling built up, and really took a toll on us. I feel grateful that it happened in the time it did, we let each other down in a big way. As she got bigger, and argued more, all those imperfections I saw as beautiful, I began to see through a different lens. I let her down by not being honest, understanding, or encouraging of her. We both fucked up by putting a lot of pressure on each other to be the better person. Live, and learn.

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