15 ‘Missing Time’ Stories From Creepy Catalog Readers
We asked Creepy Catalog readers what their experiences with missing time was. Here are the creepiest answers from the bunch!
We were off-roading in New Mexico during a family vacation. It was incredibly dark, I remember the little puffs of grass and plants looked like giant tarantulas in the shadow of the headlights. We were all kind of joking about how close we were to Area 51. The radio stations had all gone to static, so we sat in silence as we bobbed around over the terrain. Suddenly, a light brighter than day filled the car, I squinted out the back window and it was a giant V shape. We couldn’t see anything but the bright lights. My brother and I hunched down to the floor boards to hide… Then my Dad was driving again, and it was pitch black again except for the headlights. My brother and I were sitting in our seats again, and we drove on as if nothing happened. But the clock showed we’d lost about an hour and a half of time, the radio was playing again, and we were facing a main road back to town.
Me and some friends went to this island for a vacation/team building event. And we were attacked and just when we all thought we were going to die nothing happened. Turns out we were in some kind of frozen time bubble. 7 years had passed for everyone else but for us it was no time at all.
In January of 2017 my adult daughter and I were driving from The villages Florida back down to Naples. We got caught up in the I-75 portion of rush hour traffic around Tampa. Having made the trip several times before I knew Tampa is 2.5-3 hour drive from Naples. But with stop and go traffic of course longer. As we got out of rush hour we saw a sign that said Naples 138 miles. So we looked at the clock, it was 6:13 and figured we’d be in Naples around 8.
Next thing we knew we were 8 miles from our exit in Naples.It was a little before 7.
Somehow, driving the speed limit, we made it approximately 130 miles in less than an hour!
Still blows our minds!
When I was about 15-16 years old I was walking home from babysitting idk what time it was probably after 11 pm. I remember seeing this huge puddle in the parking lot of the hardware store it was 1 house away from mine. Then I woke up in my bed it was morning I don’t remember walking the rest of the way to my house, walking thru the door, putting on my jams or climbing into bed. It was weird I think about it every once in awhile.
I grew up in rural Michigan. When I was maybe 10 or 11 years old I went to dinner with my grandparents one night at a country diner and truck stop outside of town. We finished dinner and left the restaurant around 9 pm. It normally took 20 minutes to drive from the restaurant back to drop me off at my mom’s house. We arrived there at 2 am, neither I nor my grandparents knew what happened to those 5 hours, in fact I didn’t even know it was 2 am until we walked in to the house and my mom was freaking out thinking we had gotten into a car wreck or something. I vaguely remember seeing strange lights in the sky at one point about 1/3 of the way home. Around that same time the baseball game that was on the radio suddenly was replaced by late night easy listening music that the local station played after midnight. Many years later I found out that event coincided with a rash of UFO sightings around my hometown.
When I was a very small child like 3 or 4, I remember being in my bed at night and I saw this alien looking silhouette with the head the shape of like a hammerhead shark i remember being deathly terrified. Now, I’ve caulked this up to me just probably seeing things, but after i laid in my bed hiding under the covers, I just remembered a skip. Like one second i was hiding from this thing to me remembering my mom carrying me and holding me and it was thundering and lightning out.. There wasn’t any lightning or thunder when I was in bed. So weird. I want to do one of those hypnosis sessions or something to see if I remember more about that night.
One moment it was the dead of winter with snow on the ground and when i woke up it was 96° and sunny. my parents swore they didn’t know what i was talking about but i distinctively remember waking up so confused and asking my mom why it was so hot outside and where the snow went. it’s been about 14 years since this happened but it feels like it happened last week.
We were investigating the Keighley Mansion in Uniontown, PA. I went to the restroom and 45 minutes later the other investigators found me in some type of either trance or influence in the dark in the basement. I have no memory of anything between the time I used the restroom and the time they found me. The camera I had set up had over 1GB of data space left on the micro SD card but the camera stopped recording about an hour and a half prior to this happening. The camera was still on just not recording. When I reviewed the footage it did record it had no footage of our sessions early in the evening down there or even of me walking away from it after setting it up and hitting record.
I was driving to a town about an hour away from where I live. I remember taking the exit, but next thing I knew, I was entering the town limits. I have no recollection of the drive at all. I lost about 45 minutes all together. No idea how I made it there without crashing.
As a kid, one night laying in bed. Trying to fall asleep, but still wide awake. It was nighttime, and dark. Turned over to the side, blinked, and it was morning and my bedroom was filled with sunshine. It didn’t feel like I was “waking up” it literally felt like I blinked. I hadn’t moved at all.
As a kid, one night laying in bed. Trying to fall asleep, but still wide awake. It was nighttime, and dark. Turned over to the side, blinked, and it was morning and my bedroom was filled with sunshine. It didn’t feel like I was “waking up” it literally felt like I blinked. I hadn’t moved at all.
I was 7 or 8, playing hide and seek in my yard. It was early evening, the sun still setting in the sky. I looked up in the sky, and saw something strange. It looked like a metallic meteor with a pipe sticking out of it like a tank turret. It was several hundred feet above me moving at a snail’s pace across the sky, and it made no sound. When it passed over my head I turned to watch it some more, and it was gone. It was also completely dark, the street lights on, and my mom hollering for me to come inside.
When my big sister passed I can’t remember the first 2 weeks after.
An old friend & I left one city to meet my husband and another friend of ours and we left about 30 mins before them (guys take FOREVER lol) and we decided before heading to the park, since we left so much earlier than them, why not stop at our other friend’s mom’s house that no one lives at and had basically been abandoned for about 4 years at that point. We get to the house, looked inside, electricity was still on surprisingly, look around the back yard, staring at a wind chime. Get back to the car and check my phone, my hubby was not happy as we had somehow been there (in our heads, maybe 15 mins max) and apparently the guys made it to the park and had been there for over 45 mins. We literally stared at a wind chime for almost an hour.
I have a habit of checking the time and before my bf and I fell asleep one night I checked the time. We fell asleep around 2am or so. We get a call from his mother saying his brother had been in a car accident. I checked the time and it was 12:30am. Freaked us out a lot since we talk about time slips frequently.
My sister and I took a walk around 2 am, just around town and to the beach, it normally only took us an hour and a half/two hours, but next thing we know we’re walking through the door and it’s 9am. No idea, what happened or what we were doing for 7 hours but we can’t recall any of it.
My cousin and I were walking through a park, it normally takes an hour, 30 mins one way and 30 back. There are two bridges along the walk, about 20 mins apart. On the way back, we walked over the first bridge and found ourselves on the other side of the second bridge. We had no memory of the walk between the two bridges. It had also taken us only 5 minutes to do it. We were very confused.
Not mine but my grandma & her mom in NH around the same time that Betty & Barney Hill had their UFO encounters….driving down the road late at night bright lights in the sky start to converge up ahead as the radio scrambles & the gauges & lights go haywire then the car stalls out, both ladies are fixated on the ball of light in the road & “5min later” they come out of their trance like state, the lights shoot back into sky, the car starts back up & they realize that the 5mins that they zoned out was actually 1-2hrs…neither were the type to bullshit & would likely dismiss the next guy for making such claims up until they had their own experience.
When I was maybe 12, my brother’s friend had the late night paper route in our small town. I enjoyed going with him and folding the papers for him to deliver so I took a nap in the afternoon and asked my brothers to wake me up when he got there because I was really excited to go. I woke up the next morning and was so upset. I yelled at my brothers for not waking me up and they looked at me confused and said they did wake me up. They said I got up, went on the trip, came back & went to bed. I thought they were lying & messing with me but my brother’s older friend said it was true. I still don’t remember it and I’m 35 now.
Most of my childhood. I am missing vast sections until roughly 11 years old.