19 True Scary Stories That Will Give You A Shiver


I worked in a hospital. As the evening Supervisor for the food service department one of my jobs was to lock up the department then have security come and verify that it was locked.

I walked into one of the big confernce rooms to make sure it was clean and turn off the lights. There was a man standing next to the podium. He was an old man with gray hair. He was wearing a brown pants a light shirt and an old golf hat. He also had a cane. He seemed as real as everyone else.

I thought he was lost so as I reproached him I asked if I could help him. He did not reply, but smiled at me. I asked again and again he didn’t reply but nodded. I asked if he was lost and needed help finding something. As I spoke I drew closer to him so by this point I was only about six feet away from him. I asked again if I could help him and he just smiled at me. Turned away and walked through the solid brick wall.

I was so shocked it took me a few seconds to react. I went to the wall and pushed on it but, as I said it was solid (and cold). I went out into the hall and looked at the other side of the wall. There was no one there. I went back inside, turned off the lights and locked up the room.

When I went back to my staff who were finishing their chores they all asked if I was okay because I was evidently very pale.

When they were done and clocked out I called security for their final walk through. When we came to that conference room the door was still locked but the light was on. The security guy unlocked the room, turned off the light and locked it back up. He then walked me out to my car. On our way past the window to that room we both stopped and looked at each other. The light was on again. Neither of us went back to turn it off again that night.


I used to have a little cabin down a dirt road outside of Charleston SC. It was fairly isolated, built on an old farm near the site of the historic Belvedere School. On more than one occasion I was woken up by a little girls voice saying ‘Hi!’ I never saw anything, just an excited ‘Hi!’ And then I’d be awake with my heart pounding.


I’ve spilled milk on the counter once and it disappeared. And it wasn’t just a drip, it was a good miss when pouring. I grabbed a towel, turned around, and it was gone. Tbf if a ghost wants some of my milk and will clean it up too, I ain’t gonna be mad.


I live in a loft and one night I am chillin in bed and I hear my gf talking downstairs, I then hear her say, ‘that’s weird, I thought you were upstairs’ I then chime in, I AM upstairs. She ran upstairs so fast it would make your head spin. She claims to have seen someone that looked like me downstairs, my ‘twin’ The strange thing is, about a month later, I am downstairs making myself a drink and I see her walk by me out of the corner of me eye, I asked her a question and she didn’t answer. I thought it was a little weird. I went upstairs and saw that she was in bed and hadnt been downstairs for hours. Nearly shat my pants. Basically we have been seeing each others doppelgängers in the house and my gf is very freaked out. She claims it’s happened about three times to her here.


Moved in to an old house built in 1918. We were the 2nd owners and were told a few people died there in the house. Nothing out of the ordinary, natural causes, etc. I was working from home one night for work on the over night shift and as I was sitting there with only the light from my monitors in front of my computer I felt my chair being pushed from behind causing me to roll forward slightly, which often happened when my dog would come up from behind and put his front paws on the back of my chair. I said my dog’s name to call him around from behind me, except after I called him I saw him get up from the corner where he was laying in his bed…nobody was behind me at all.


I built my own toy stable when I was 12. One day, I went into the room and saw all the stalls knocked over. I yelled for my younger sister, assuming she broke it. Then a little girl, in a white dress walked into the room. I realized it wasn’t my sister and screamed. She disappeared. Turns out I wasn’t the only person in my house who has seen her. But she never touched my stable ever again.


I did a solo hike of a pretty quiet area (~15k or more round trip) and for a majority of the hike I had the constant feeling of being watched despite being alone. It would come in waves, slowly starting from voices in my head saying “head back now, it’s over” to my own pulse being so loud I was ready to fight


I was wandering away from my campsite and as I got further I started feeling more and more nervous. Then, out in the middle of the woods, miles from anything but the campsite, I heard a metal sounding “clank” from the path ahead. I literally turned and ran all the way back to my site.


In the latest Missing 411 movie, it tells the story about an older gentlemen went out hunting with his buddies. They all sat on rocks about 200 yards apart and were going to have the deer driven down to them by other people. The older guy went missing, his body never found. The closest other person to him reported hearing a loud metal clank from the sky around the time he probably went missing. Like a trap shutting. He’d never heard the sound in the wilderness before and couldn’t explain it.


My friends and I go on an annual camping trip every summer in a pretty “haunted” forest. The first year on the first night I got woken up at 3 a.m. to a little girl voice saying my name, giggling, and telling me to play. I brushed it off thinking my friends were messing with me. The next morning everyone asked if I was messing with the tents and laughing real late at night. I didnt tell anyone about it until the following year when the exact same thing happened to my buddy- first night at around 3 a.m. Nothing ever happens beyond that and we make it a fun bet on the way there who the girl will ask to play this year. We’re all too chicken shit to actually leave our tents when she calls though so I don’t know what to make of this.


I saw my brother’s doppelganger, well to be more accurate, I saw a picture of him on a wall of fallen soldiers from my hometown.


Decided to go get gas one night. it was kind of late, around 12:30. Get in my car turn it on and start rolling forward down the road. As I get closer to the light on the corner I notice a girl. She was wearing a white Victorian era dress. I slowed down because I didn’t know if she was going to walk across or not. She just looked at me and did one of those princess waves. Very uncool of her cus I was not comfortable coming back home after gassing up.


A group of friends and I once watched a light bob around in the night sky for an hour or so and eventually it flew over us. It looked like a standard disk shaped UFO, I even remember seeing smaller lights in it. I feel crazy talking about it but I have to trust what I saw.


I’ve seen what I might describe as UFOs twice now, within 3 months of each other back in 2015. The first time it was the golden orbs everyone sees everywhere and luckily I was with my mom who saw them too so I know I’m not nuts. The second time I was driving home and about a mile from the house saw sort of a diamond shaped object, red on one side, green on the other. Thought it was a helicopter until I got up close and it moved like no helicopter I’ve ever seen.


Was in the car with my sister, and the car kept making a little clacking noise. After a minute she said “shut the fuck up” to it and it stopped clacking.

Then, I said “wow, guess it listened,” and it clacked one last time as if in agreement.


my grandfather (dads side) died during a heart surgery when my father was 15. the only people on my dad’s side that are still alive are his cousin and his mom, who he barely gets along with.

when i was young, a lot of really weird stuff happened in our house. my dad always told me that his father was a prankster and was just overall a goofy dude.

the dryer (which was in the garage) would open at random times (turning the cycle off) while everyone in the house was busy, doors (bedroom doors, the microwave door) would open out of nowhere and other stuff like important/sentimental items that were in a sort of display case would be moved around.

it was just overall odd.


We were in the flat I grew up in. Me, mum, and my brother were sitting in the living room. Me and my brother were playing the PS1, when I heard foot steps in the hall. I turn away from the TV and see the outline of a figure move passed the doorway and into the kitchen. I must have sprung up or something cause my mum asked if I “saw that as well?”. So unless there was a collective trip going on, the 10yr old me definitely saw a ghost.


We had a new upstairs neighbour. A young couple and their son. The woman would talk to my mum now and then saying how she found it hard to sleep in the house, and that her kid had started getting up during the night as well. A few weeks go by and the same woman is telling my mum how she’s pure creeped out by things her son says when he wakes up in the morning. On one occasion he said he got up to pee and there was an old lady in a housecoat standing in the hall, who offered him a biscuit then vanished. What made this creepy was the fact that the old woman who stayed in that house previously had died there, and would always be wearing a housecoat. She also on occasion would offer the kids in the flat biscuits and chocolates if we chapped on her door or where in the close when she was leaving/entering. The couple moved out not long after my mum told the woman more details about the previous owner.


I don’t know if this is a ghost story, but here it goes. To be fair I don’t belive in ghosts but this happened. When I was a kid. About 8 or so… I lived with my mom in an old ass apartment. Two bedrooms set up like a train car. My bedroom was at the front of the apartment and hers was at the far end. One day I was going to ask her something.. So I walked to her room. I saw a shadow that was darker than the darkness around the unlit hallway. I remember calling out to her, I thought that maybe she was messing with me trying to scare me. She replied from her bedroom. That’s when the shadow moved. It was human shaped, and I remember it was black. Completely black. More so than the other shadows. When my mom replied with “what?”.. The shadow pinched my left upper arm. I felt the pinch and saw it retreat into the shadows. It became brighter as it met the actual shadows.

About the author

Emily Madriga