
11 Types Of Men Who Make The Best Husbands

If you have to ask someone to pull their weight in a relationship, you've already lost.



Men who remain calm in a crisis

No matter who you are married life will be full of storms that you’ll have to weather together. Life happens. Job losses, death, health issues — all these things will affect you both at some point and the type of guy who makes a great husband is one who knows that panic is not a strategy. Someone who can keep calm and stay on your side, knowing that you two can support each other through anything is the only kind of man worth having.

Men who are family people

One of the best indicators that he’s husband material is that he is close to his family and treats them well — that’s the space you’ll occupy one day so don’t ignore the sneak peak while you can learn from it.

Men who don’t need to be nagged

Nagging is a two way street and it sucks for everyone involved. If you have to ask someone to pull their weight in a relationship, you’ve already lost.

Men who make good fathers

When you see a caring, responsible man — the kind who will make a good father — you know he will also be a good husband because those things require a lot of the same character assets: being able to commit to something, being able to love someone else more than you love yourself, patience, humor, and being able to put in work when things aren’t easy.

Men who are kind

Is there a rarer quality as we age than a person who is genuinely kind? Usually people get cynical as they accumulate life experiences. This ruins relationships because every time you do something imperfect their gears are turning mentally and they think about how this is just like every other time they were hurt. But it’s not, and a kind person has the patience and presence of mind to realize that. In turn, you can each make the mistakes you are bound to make, knowing that you are doing your best and whatever you come short of that can be forgiven.

Men who treat you like a woman, not a girl

Every woman wants to feel safe and secure with her man but there are two ways a man can accomplish this. One way is to treat you like you are weak, as if you are so fragile the slightest thing might cause you to break. The other is to push you to be better — to be your best because he respects you and knows you can handle a challenge. Guess which one of these makes for a better life partner?

Men who commit to things

You’d be surprised how often men who are afraid of commitment still end up married. They don’t want to commit but they’re more afraid of losing a good thing than they are afraid of sticking to their values. These kind of men bring a whole lot of unhappiness to a marriage because they were never sold on it from the getgo. They enter into the union with a giant chip on their shoulder because they feel they gave away a big concession and they expect to always get their way because of it.

Men who are good with money

He doesn’t need to bankroll your life but he does need to be smart enough that he’s not going to drain your joint bank account every time he sees something new and shiny. It’s easy to underplay how important this is while you’re dating but make no mistake, money matters in marriage and as unsexy as it sounds, a guy who can stick to his budget is the kind who will make a great husband.

Men who want to be better than they are

When it comes to dating (and life) some people say “you have to accept me as I am” and leave it at that. But the type of man who makes a good husband has an appetite for self-improvement. He doesn’t want to be the same person next year that he is today so he never uses the way that he is as an excuse. He strives to be a better person and when he fails, he uses that as motivation to improve.

Men who are always on your team

Tough times can divide weak couples and they start to fight against each other instead of with each other. Men who fight right make the best husbands because you come out of conflict stronger, instead of weakened.

Men who are passionate, and fight for what they want

Bumps on a log don’t make happy wives, so steer clear of passive men. The kind of man who makes a good husband is one who will take control of his life and goes after what he wants. He’ll never stew about what he doesn’t have and make you unhappy — or worse, blame you for not having it. He’s too busy going out and getting it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark