Ella Ceron

Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)

You Are Not Defined By Your Tragedy

The parts of you that are good and caring and hardworking and special — the things that make you who you are, and endear you to the people who love you — might become influenced by whatever tragedy life throws your way, but they are also so much more than that.

23 Signs You Are In A Complicated Relationship With Your Cat

Every person you bring over gets the feline death staredown, and though you say that “she’ll warm up to you eventually” and “she’s just wary of new people,” in fact, you take your cat’s icy aversion to this person as a huuuuuge red flag.

101 Promises For Your Best Friend

I will celebrate every little happiness you experience, from finding five dollars on the street to getting a promotion to just having a really good hair day.

The Only Rejection You Should Fear Is Your Own

It’s only when you begin to accept yourself for who you are — when you talk yourself down from the ledges of changing every last detail of what you think and what you say and who you like and what you don’t — that rejection seems a little less scary, because the people who would reject you won’t bother.

I’m Going To Tell You That I Love You

And I don’t know if you’ll say it back, and to be honest, I don’t know if I really need to hear it back. It’d be nice, sure, but expecting you to love me just because I love you feels like too much pressure, doesn’t it?