ajari / flickr.com

The 6 Types Of Girls You Should Be

Be the girl who everyone wants to know more of.


ajari / flickr.com
ajari / flickr.com

1. Be the girl with the laugh.

Have the ugly laugh or the loud laugh or the laugh that bubbles over your lips and travels towards those around you. Have the laugh that fills a room or the laugh that separates a crowd or the laugh that can only be heard in a quiet booth in the back of a cute café. Be the girl with the laugh that the boy will die to hear. Be the girl with the laugh that the boys will die to be the source of. Be the girl who’s happy.

2. Be the girl with the eyes.

Have the blue eyes or the big eyes or the squinty eyes. Have the kind of eyes that bunch up in the corners the way they claim is unattractive, all because you’re smiling so hard. Be the girl with the eyes that people will fall in love with. Be the girl with the eyes boys will spill their secrets to. Be the girl whose eyes bare her soul.

3. Be the girl with the body.

The one that is perfect in every way, because it is perfect to you. Be the girl who loves the way her jeans fit her, who loves her curves, or loves her thigh gap. Be the girl who wears clothes that fit her flawlessly, even if they don’t fit society. Be the girl who knows what looks good on her and be the girl who knows how to love what’s in the mirror.

4. Be the girl with the brain.

Be the girl who knows what she’s talking about. Be the girl who falls in love with one sentence in a whole book and writes it down in her pretty cursive handwriting. Be the girl who loves one thing with her whole heart, and knows too much about it. Be the girl who knows when she doesn’t know something, and can admit it. Be the girl who always wants to know the most beautiful things about life.

5. Be the girl with the grace.

The grace to admit her mistakes, to love herself despite her mistakes, and to love people wholeheartedly. Be the girl who stands up when she falls. Be the girl who knows her worth and presents herself accordingly. Be the girl with confidence that everyone loves to love.

6. Be the girl with the soul.

Be the girl with the soul that loves so deeply. Be the girl that travels to a beautiful place just to see the colors of the world come alive, or be the girl that curls up in a bed with a human being that means the world to her. Be the girl who thinks at night and laughs during the day, all the while creating herself as she goes. Be the girl who never ends; be the girl who never ends her desire of knowledge; be the girl who never ends her desire to meet perfect people; be the girl who never ends her desire to love. Be the girl that goes beyond her laugh and her eyes and her body and her brain. Be the girl who everyone wants to know more of, who everyone wants to sit in a train station with while she speaks of her life. Be the girl who is more than what she appears to be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Eileen James

Trying very hard not to be a cliche white girl. So far it isn’t working.