14 Women Reveal The Most Surprising Trait That Gets Them To Swipe Right Every Single Time

"I know it's a scam but I usually will swipe right on a guy with a puppy pic even if it's just because I hope to one day play with that puppy."


via lookcatalog
via lookcatalog
via lookcatalog

1. “If he’s wearing a suit in a candid pic out with friends. This does it for me every time. It’s kind of my kryptonite.”

—Janice, 23


2. “A good variety of photos is soooo important. The main thing though is to subtly include a shirtless pick but for the love of God not in front of a mirror or something. Include a shirtless pic in a location that makes sense like the beach. It shows they have class and brains and, hopefully, a six pack.”

—Amber, 22


3. “Corny lines and things like that work if I even find them mildly attractive. I tend to talk to those people quicker and longer than people who just start with ‘what’s up’. I guess it’s because it shows they’re at least trying to be funny. Effort counts for a lot.”

—Denise, 25


4. “I know it’s a scam but I usually will swipe right on a guy with a puppy pic even if it’s just because I hope to one day play with that puppy.”

—Melissa, 25


5. “Aside from physical attraction, a positive and happy bio is a must for me. If your bio is brooding or seems like you didn’t really care when you wrote it up then I’m 100% likely to swipe left. Broody bios are enough to make a really attractive guy seem unapproachable.”

—Kate, 27


6. “Have money. Just saying. I’m more likely to give it a shot.”

—Farah, 26


7. “What I actually really love is pictures of a dude doing something he’s really good at. It almost doesn’t matter what it is because what it really tells me is that he’s able to spend time concentrating and getting good at something. People can be so lazy in their own lives so this really does it for me.”

—Catherine, 24


8. “Anything that sets you apart from the pack. There are so many bearded hipstery microbrew guys on tinder that they all become a blur. If you look like you just sort of do your own thing and enjoy it then I’m much more likely to want to get to know you. I like independent thinkers who aren’t trying to be anything but themselves.”

—Natalie, 28


9. “Guys that smile with their eyes. Those guys have heart!”

—Helen, 21


10. “Guys that are just on Tinder for hookups, if you’re clear about that then I’m far more likely to hook up with you. There still seems to be this myth out there that girls don’t want to just hookup and that it’s all scam to get your babies. It’s not, be up front about what you want and you might just be my hookup.”

—Bea, 26


11. “Don’t be afraid to post a flirty pic and by flirty I mean a mischievous smile or something like that. I like when I feel like a guy is communicating with his picture.

Don’t post a mug shot. This isn’t prison.”

—Lisa, 27


12. “Dudes, check your grammar. There’s no silver bullet to making me swipe right but I will swipe left so fast my finger gets a friction burn if you misspell ‘hello’.”

—Jackie, 25


13. “I want to know a guy has a life. Rather than just posting a bunch of pics of yourself, post things that show you doing things with other people. That way I at least know that someone likes you and that you like to get out be social.”

—Cynthia, 27


14. “Photos of your body without your head tell me you’re married. If you’re not married then you’re telling people that you’re a cheater.

I’ve dated all different kinds of guys so there’s no one way I’ll swipe right. Usually it’s something random that I notice but I’ve also had guy friends who just posted pics of their body because either they were embarrassed to be on Tinder or because they thought their body was better looking that their face. They had no idea they were selling themselves as skeezy cheaters.”

—Tabitha, 26 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Daniel Hayes

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