16 Men And Women Talk About The Significance Of Height In Relationships

via twenty20/spooner
via twenty20/spooner

1. “I’m 5’6 and I wouldn’t consider seriously dating any man that’s shorter than I am. I’ve met plenty of shorter man that were nice and would have been hot if they were around six feet tall but I just don’t find someone attractive unless I have to look up to them.”

—Jane, 25


2. “At 5’11 I’ve nearly always been as tall or taller than the men I meet so I think I’ve got a different perspective on how it’s significant. The shorter men I’ve dated (some as short as 5’5) and I share a similar problem, we’re seen as less desirable. Lots of men don’t want a woman taller or as tall as they are because they want to see their woman as fragile baby dolls and lots of women want a man taller than them so they can feel like they’re dating someone who’s big and powerful. Both are shallow. I’ve met men that basically wrote me off as soon as we met because I was tall. However, the men who were below average in height are usually the guys that aren’t intimidated and are more likely to care about the kind of person I am.”

—Andrea, 21


3. “I prefer girls that are a lot shorter and smaller than I am. Mostly so I can pick them up and toss them around during sex. I’ve yet to meet a girl that didn’t like that.”

—Brad, 20


4. “I like tall guys but there’s such a thing as too tall. Like, if you have to bend all the way over just to kiss me then I’m going to feel like a child kissing an adult which is weird and creepy. I don’t want to feel like we’re different species. I’m 5’2.”

—Margaret, 23


5. “I’m a shorter guy and I’ve always had a thing for tall women as in the taller the better. I dated a woman who was 6’2 for nearly a year and her legs went on for days. I just think they’re beautiful and amazing.”

—Jim, 26


6. “I’m a somewhat tallish woman, about 5’8, and while I prefer dudes around my height I don’t have any rule about it. I’ve dated short ones and tall ones and never gave it much thought in terms of what is or isn’t a dealbreaker cause I mostly don’t care.”

—Nancy, 24


7. “I wouldn’t date a man who was abnormally short, like five feet tall or something. I’d feel like I was dating a little boy.”

—Ariel, 27


8. “I like a woman to be shorter than me. I don’t know why. It just seems more normal somehow.”

—Chad, 22


9. “I’m 6’5 and I don’t have a particular preference when it comes to how tall the lady is. What I have noticed is that the short girls I’ve dated were the ones that went on and on about how tall I was. I can also tell you that tall women enjoy not being taller than their date every once in a while but also seemed to care less about it than shorter women which is counterintuitive.”

—Chris, 26


10. “Short guy here, most girls definitely prefer men that are average or taller but I honestly think there’s a lot of social pressure for them to feel that way to sort of live up to how the hollywood couples look. Immature girls, like immature boys, tend to want things that are acceptable in pop culture because they’re young, stupid, and don’t have opinions of their own based on life experience. Once I got older, I quickly started noticing that me only being 5’5 mattered less to adult women than it did to 20 somethings still trying to meet their ‘dream guy’.”

—Devin, 29


11. “It’s all about confidence. If a guy is short and insecure about it then he’s going to be unattractive because he’s insecure, not because he’s short.”

—Pamela, 25


12. “I used to care about how tall a guy was back when I was in high school and had a crush on this guy on the basketball team but it’s something I’ve mostly grown out of. My boyfriend is the same height as me, 5’6, and he’s hot af.”

—Sharon, 19


13. “Eh, it matters, sorry to say it does but it does. I want to be able to wear heels and not tower over my man and I’m not spending the rest of my life in flats.”

—Angela, 26


14. “I have a thing for tall guys so it definitely matters to me. Sorry, not sorry, I like what I like and I’m not ashamed.”

—Rachel, 22


15. “I prefer girls that are shorter than me but I actually don’t know why. Now that I’m sitting here thinking about it there’s no real reason for me to prefer one over the other. Maybe it’s because my Mom is short, something weird like that? I don’t know. I sort of feel like I should reconsider now.”

—Joe, 23


16. “I’ve dated short and tall. The girls I know that all demand their man be six feet or taller are always short or average themselves and absolute shallow cunts. If you’re a guy and you’re reading this then take heed, they’re doing you a favor by being so openly crappy about how short they think you are.”

—Anna, 27 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Daniel Hayes

Ask me anything as long as it’s safe for all ages and just fantastically interesting.

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