Read This When You’re Feeling Down On Life
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can accept that feelings come and go and that even this feeling, no matter how hard, is fleeting.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope that you can still find hope in the little things. I hope you can still fathom up a smile when your best friend tells you a funny story. I hope you can still see the color of the beautiful fall leaves even when the rest of the world feels so grey. I hope you can still look in the mirror and see that you look gorgeous, despite how tired and down you may be feeling. I hope you can still have the courage to show up for the day, and I hope you can find that if you do show up, you will be greeted with love and support.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can be gentle with yourself. I hope you can remember that you have a sensitive heart and that a sensitive heart must be cared for with kindness. Even though you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can still nourish your body with comforting foods and warm lavender bubble baths. I hope you can see yourself as you would see a friend, vulnerable and in need of loving, caring arms.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can remember that life comes in seasons, and seasons always change with time. I hope you can accept that at times life can feel a little loving, and at times life can feel a little less nurturing. Yet I hope you understand that this too will pass. And I hope you can still find some form of peace with the current season, knowing that you are strong enough to make it through.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can still remember that the little things really do matter. I hope you find joy in the new book you are reading, and I hope you find energy in your morning walk. I hope you can slow down when you drink your coffee, and remind yourself that you are doing okay. I hope you can get dressed in clothes that you feel comfortable in, and I hope you can smile, almost genuinely, at the person you pass in the elevator. And when you are feeling lonely, I hope you can remember that even when you are feeling unloved and lonely, you are truly surrounded by love; so much love.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can still feel the gentle kindness of all of the little moments that make you feel less alone. I hope you can look to your memories, and remember all of the times you felt loved and comforted. I hope you can remember the times when you were little, when you sat in the car with your family and watched the raindrops splash on the windows, feeling thankful to be warm and cozy in the backseat. I hope you can remember playing board games with all of your cousins, after eating delicious pie for dessert.
And in the present, I hope that even when you are overwhelmed, you can sit on the couch with your best friend and watch a tv show together, knowing that it’s okay to be quiet and calm and that not all quality time depends on the conversation. I hope that you can cuddle with a blanket and your puppy, and remember that some things in life are so worth loving.
When you’re feeling down on life, I hope you can accept that feelings come and go and that even this feeling, no matter how hard, is fleeting. I hope you know that it’s okay to feel down and that you do not need to feel guilty for how you are feeling. I hope you can let this feeling come and go, and know that very soon life will be lighter once again.
But until then, I hope you continue to love yourself even when life is a little dreary.