How I Manifested $30,000

The following weeks were amazing. I literally received stacks of checks in the mail every few days.


Gianni Cumbo
Gianni Cumbo

It was a stressful time in my life. I felt like I couldn’t trust my boyfriend, I was bored out of my mind living in a tiny city with no inspiration and very few things to do, I was working retail and my musical endeavors were trucking along at an agonizingly slow pace. I wanted to flee. All I could think about was moving to a brand new city, making new and inspiring friends and rebuilding my work with music from the ground up. I wanted to travel the world and experience new parts of myself that I felt were being held hostage somewhere far away from my boring city. My life had become one big nap, alone in my bedroom, broken like a dying bird in a beautiful but monotonous domestic cage.

I would stay up all night anxiously thinking in the dull light of the Hello Kitty Café game on my Kindle. Some nights I would read tarot cards instead, refreshing the pages of my iPhone until they told me what I wanted to hear. Hello Kitty and electronic tarot did little to calm my nerves and they certainly failed at taking my mind to a more hopeful place, so I thought that maybe going back to my Catholic roots and focusing on prayer might help. It was truly a last resort since I rarely pray in a traditional sense.

For the next several nights I tried to pray, but didn’t really know what I was asking for nor did I feel much gratitude. Yes, I wanted to go to someplace “better” and of course I wanted to be happier, but what did that look like? I soon realized the first step in escaping my uninteresting, midwestern existence was having enough money to facilitate leaving. The sure-fire thing to ask for, I thought, was abundance. So at 4:30 AM on one desperate morning I searched my iPhone for abundance prayers. I found one within seconds, tucked away in some cluttered and clunky forum long forgotten by its original moderators.

I didn’t really care about the words of the prayer. I, in my desperation, just wanted to know that it worked. To my pleasant surprise everyone in the forum claimed enthusiastically that after multiple days, weeks or months of reciting the prayer as often as possible, they received some form of abundance. Some authors claimed that they received huge work raises. Others claimed that just mere hours after saying the prayer they found $5, $10 or $20 bills on the sidewalk. Still others said that they abundance they received came in an unexpected form: a pregnancy, a proposal or a new friendship. Most importantly, everyone who had invested any amount of time in reciting the prayer had experienced positive changes from accepting the abundance they had requested.

I started to recite the prayer that night. I think I read it 3 times. First, I read it silently. Then, I mouthed it to myself until tears filled my eyes- my boyfriend innocently unaware lying asleep next to me. Afterwards, the prayer filled my mind as I drifted off into the best anxiety-less sleep I had experienced in a long time.

The next morning I said the prayer again after my 20 minutes of yoga as part of my morning ritual. I read it again mid-day just because I thought of it and when it was time for me to go to bed I recited it once more. Every day I made a point to recite this prayer. Lines from it became my mantra when I felt stressed. I even made a screen shot of it on my iPhone and would read it while waiting for appointments or while in the bathtub. It was like a spell that I was carefully weaving into my daily existence. I even began to fold it into the movement of my body. I practiced yoga with the intention that with each asana I was physically offering my power up and into my longing for abundance and my search for meaning in life–as my body strengthened so did the force behind my manifestations. I took the prayer a step further when a friend of mine came over to make vision boards. We wrote the prayer in our own handwriting on the back of the boards- reinforcing the idea that the abundance we were longing for would go towards goals we had already set for ourselves. 

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that 3 weeks later I received a phone call that changed my life. A song that I had sent to an advertising agency had been accepted for use in a commercial that would be aired nationally. I would be receiving SAG money for as long as the commercial was on air, which meant I would be paid every time it was played. I was to complete an additional 8 hours of work to finish some audio components for the commercial, but after signing the contract I could be assured that money was heading my way.

The following weeks were amazing. I literally received stacks of checks in the mail every few days. I also received a large some of money for the initial session fee for writing the song. All of the money made it possible for me to leave my boring midwestern city soon thereafter. In fact it was only 7 days after signing the contract that I put all of my things in storage, got in my car and drove away. 

Some days I miss the boredom that caged me in. The days that would flow along dreamily in their video game and bath-water langour, but because of the abundance I received I have found everything that I was longing for and which had for so long been out of reach. Through reflecting again on the words of the prayer I know that within the profound and sometimes difficult changes my abundance has brought to me, that I am discovering my own higher truth. If you’re willing to accept great change and aid on your path to expressing your fullest potential maybe the following prayer can help you too. Remember though, abundance is incredible, but with it comes with great responsibility. You may find the changes it can bring will not always be easy even if they are beneficial. If you do receive abundance my greatest wish is that you use it in line with your highest truth and as always that you are grateful before during and after receiving this gift.

Here is the prayer:

From The Light of God that I Am.
From The Love of God that I Am.
From The Power of God that I Am.
From The Heart of God that I Am.
I Decree–I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source. The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me. I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With God as my Source, nothing amazes me. I Am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come. By the power of my belief, coupled with my purposeful fearless actions and my deep rapport with God, my future is created and my abundance made manifest. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. My mind is quiet. From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways. God provides for me in wondrous ways. I AM indeed grateful. And I let it be so.
(Author Unknown). Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Claudia St. Claire

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