13 Classic Texts Girls Send When They’re Mad At You

Are you obnoxious enough to collect them all? Here are a few examples for reference, that you can laugh and relate to experiencing firsthand, or emotionally prepare yourself to receive in the future.


In your lifetime, you will undoubtedly receive a few of these classic, entirely spot on emotional word missiles. Or, as I like to simply nickname them: “texts.” Are you obnoxious enough to collect them all? Here are a few examples for reference, that you can laugh at sending, relate to experiencing, or emotionally prepare yourself to receive in the future.

1. The “Which Girls Were There And What’s Your Connection To Them?” Text

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

2. The Biased Stenographer

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

3. The Brace Yourself For Impact

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

4. The Social Media Activity Inquiry

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

5. The Opposite Meaning Text

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

6. The Compliment Rejection

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

7. The Treat You Like A Guy Friend Text

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

8. The You’re Taking Too Long To Respond Text

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

9. The Mysterious “I’m Furious About Something, Figure It Out” Text

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

10. The I’m So Irritated I’m Not Even Going To Use An Actual Word

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

11. The Angry Invitation

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

12. The Anticipating Flaking Attitude

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You

13. The Unexpected Erupting Volcano

Texts Girls Send When They're Mad At You