Getting over you has not been easy. The process of moving on has consisted of countless sleepless nights lying up at night wondering what went wrong. The journey of letting go has left me late for work in the morning while I snooze my alarm time and time again in hopes that the next time I wake up, you will no longer be the first thing on my mind.
However, the easiest part about getting over you has been due to not having to see you. Blocking you on social media along with avoiding the bars I know you hang out at have been some of my best decisions. No accidental run ins with you have played a huge role in my healing process. Not having to try and process the countless things I would say to you has made such a difference.
If I saw you again I would tell you how badly you broke me. I would let you know how much time of my life you took away from me while I tried to put the pieces back together that you tore apart.
If I saw you again I would tell you about the hours I spent crying in my car and on my bathroom floor. I would let you know the anger I have for you being able to break me down so badly.
If I saw you again I would tell you how badly you let me down. I would remind me you that you were my best friend. You were so much more than the person I was dating. You were everything to me. I saw my life with you. I believed you were my soul mate. I genuinely didn’t think I’d ever have to figure out how to tackle life without you.
If I saw you again I would tell you how much you betrayed me. I would let you know how much it killed me to be lied to and manipulated by the person that I brought down all of my walls for. I trusted you. I believed in you. And you destroyed every single bit of it.
If I saw you again I would tell you how much time I spent missing you. I would tell you how many hours I spent evaluating and trying to figure out where I could have possibly went wrong. I would let you know how badly I wanted to believe that this person wasn’t you. There was nothing I wanted more than for you to come running back telling me that all of it was a mistake and that you’d never leave again.
If I saw you again I would tell you I don’t hold those feelings inside of me anymore. I would tell you I’ve realized how much better I am without you. I would let you know that I don’t carry the burdens you left me with. I would tell you that I am a better me, without you.
If I saw you again I would tell you I am happy. I am happy on my own. I am happy completely independent, without you. I am happy with who I am. I am happy with who I have become. I am completely happy in knowing that I will never again have t settle for someone who doesn’t know my worth.
If I saw you again I would tell you I am free. I am free of all of the pain you caused me. I am free from trying to make you love me the way I now know that I deserve to be loved. I am free from every bit of baggage and toxicity that you brought into my life.
If I saw you again I would tell you that I am better off without you.