25 Things You Don’t Have To Justify To Anyone
How many friends you have. One is enough. A hundred is enough. And there is no need to falsely upgrade acquaintances to "friend" status in your mind simply to fill out the ranks. A true friend is rare, and we don't need to make it a competition for who has the most.
4. Your decision to have children, or not have them, or to not be sure if you even want them.
5. Your dislike for marriage as an institution — and even if this one day changes, you don’t have to justify having grown as a person and moved into a new point of view. No one should be telling you “I told you so” over something as enormous as your decision to commit for life to another person.
6. Your sexuality, or your desire to experiment with it. You are allowed to have “phases” or “try things out” or be “confused,” and can take as much time as you want figuring it out.