45 People On The Freakiest Thing They’ve Seen That No One Believes Them About

30. MC_Baldie

I was around maybe 5 or 6 when I’m relatively positive I saw a UFO fly over our backyard. I was standing next to the pool and looked up when this massive circular object flew right over the top of the yard. It had these bizarre orange/white colored lights that were around the edges of the circle. Anyways, I told somebody once and they pretty much treated me like an idiot so I just kind of gave up on mentioning it.

31. Reecova

I chat rouletted with Snoop Dogg. How do I know it was Snoop? Because I’ve seen snoop on TV, magazines, Internet, concerts hundreds of thousands of millions times. It was Snoop, and I know it was.

32. ImaTimeTravellerAMA

I was out (somewhat illegally, given we weren’t wearing bright orange, nor did we have hunting licenses) hunting in the woods in Maine with a friend, and we witnessed an execution. Like, two dudes with pistol shooting a guy with a bag over his head five times in the chest, then leaving.

33. Shark4760

I’ve had dreams of things happening weeks or months before they happen. I remember someone’s presentation on Nefertiti before they gave it; I had been to an Anime Convention before we had even rented the hotel room. It’s kind of freaky but I wish it happened more, it hasn’t happened in awhile.

34. illap

My brother who was 13 at the time and shared a room with me when I was 6. I woke up and saw a white bear walking around my bed so tried telling my brother and I booked it to my parent’s room and spent the night there. 16 years later I’m reunited with my brother, we are having a couple of drinks and I mention that memory. His face turned white and he tells me he remembers that night. I woke him up trying to get his attention; being a teenager he ignores me until he heard me run out of the room. He put on his glasses and saw the white bear I saw, he also booked it and ran to my parents bedroom. I’ve always wondered what that represented and what it was.

35. afkurzz

My buddy and I were looking for a new apartment to rent. We’re checking out this one place and I notice there’s a trap door in the kitchen. So we opened it up to check out what was down there. There was a small flight of steps into a room. The room was tiny but each wall was covered in shelves full of baby dolls. Being someone who had recurring nightmares of Chucky and Slappy as a kid, I noped out of there as fast as possible. The realtor didn’t have a clue about the room.

36. skimble-skamble

I was once driving through the Midwest and saw a chicken standing on a goat standing on a cow.


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