43 Parents Reveal The One Secret That Could Ruin Their Child’s Life

31. Bash_Stuart

Well I found out I was born dead. I had an umbilical cord wrapped around my neck and I was as grey as a rock. Not to mention I wasn’t breathing nor did I have a pulse. I’m here now but it still bothers me to think about how I once was dead.

32. Whitegirldown

My child was born with breasts that lactated. His is big now and always had extra fat cells there. He is real self conscious about it and I have always kept that piece of information from him. Unfortunately we live in such an appearance important culture. I try to teach him what being a quality human being is and his value is more than the superficial.

33. ErnDizzy

Not my child, but a 30-something friend of mine. She doesn’t know she’s adopted. EVERYONE else knows. Her younger brother, her friends, EVERYONE.

34. ZarquonsFlatTire

My sister and I were fighting and it got to the “I bet you were adopted” part. Our mother told us that she stole us both as babies from the grocery store. And that as luck would have it, she stole both of us from the same woman 2.5 years apart, so we were still brother and sister.

That last part was the kicker.

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