Steven Lewis

Here Is The Kind Of Traveler You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

Keep these points in mind and you can turn a good trip into an amazing one.


Steven Lewis

Adventure and excitement are at the very heart of why we travel and the opportunity to see new places and meet new people can be absolutely intoxicating. However, what we often don’t think about is how traveling in accordance with our personality types can make the experience that much more memorable. This is how your zodiac sign determines the kind of traveler you are.

Scorpio: The Discerning Traveler

Never satisfied with a shallower experience, Scorpios want to find out what makes a place tick. They may have researched their destination and gotten details about their travel insurance before heading out on a journey. They are structured, enthusiastic and would love to enjoy a well-planned trip to a new location.

Sagittarius: The Joyful Traveler

There is something about the Sagittarius, they don’t want to be boxed in a particular place. So they are always excited about the prospect of traveling. They want to meet new people and experience adventure.

Capricorn: The Structured Traveler

The Capricorn doesn’t want a trip to catch him/her off guard. They do well to plan their trip thoroughly weeks or months in advance. They are actually detailed and would love to be well prepared for what is ahead of them.

Aquarius: The Principled Traveler

The Aquarius always has a reason for traveling. They always want their travel to be well-defined and meaningful. They travel to discover some kind of purpose.

Pisces: The Soft Traveler

There are no hard and fast rules when the Pisces travels to a new destination. It is all about letting their imagination and senses swim with the moment. They can be spontaneous and kind when traveling to a new location.

Aries: The Solitary Traveler

Aries are always considering how they would fully benefit from a trip. They believe having a crowd or persons with them could spoil the fun. Bravery and independence are what they thrive on.

Taurus: The Flexible Traveler

The Taurus is dogged and willing to adapt even in precarious situations. Whether they are visiting a new city and the flight is delayed or they have to eat a meal they are unfamiliar with, they simply focus on being satisfied with the experience rather than complain about it.

Geminis: The Team Traveler

They are social by nature. And they would love to travel as a group rather than alone. They want to be excited about an experience and they would probably all over the place when they go to a new destination!

Cancer: The Validating Traveler

They want to have a solid and authenticated trip to a new destination. For them, it is simply about validating every new experience. They would repeat a trip or take something from a place that will always keep them emotionally attached to that place.

Leo: The Sophisticated Traveler

The Leo is not the hard and fast traveler, actually, they love the luxury of travel.  They would visit the casino if they have to. They would stay in the most exquisite hotel, eat the most expensive and delectable meals and seek the attention they desire on a trip.

Virgo: The Analytic Traveler

They want to know what a travel is worth or why they are spending a penny on this or that. They want to get the best deals or find a shorter route to attain the satisfaction they desire. 

Libra: The Relaxed Traveler

The Libra is never asking too much from a trip to a new destination. They simply want to be relaxed and have the pleasure of meeting someone new they can enjoy a relationship with. Even when they bring someone along, they want peace and comfort when traveling. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Casey Imafidon

Casey Imafidon is a full time writer and has been featured on Inc, Elitedaily, Addicted2success and numerous other blogs.