Olu Eletu

10 Signs You’re An Alpha Male And Can Conquer Any Woman

Alpha males are clear about their goals and desires. They know what they want and won’t follow the crowd. They don’t live their life on assumptions but through data and critical thinking they can create a path to achieving their goals.


 Olu Eletu
Olu Eletu

Women are attracted to alpha males. And there are enough reasons for this. You must have seen that scene in a James Bond movie where the woman doesn’t care about Bond’s job or his tough personality, she just wants to be with him.

Every woman doesn’t simply want to be conquered, she wants to be allured and fascinated. There are amazing romantic destinations to spoil her. And yes the dominant quality of confidence and character could be a first impression on any woman who wants to be with an alpha male. Here is what it means to be an alpha male.

1. You are a leader

It is great to be the boss. To be an alpha male you have to show strong leadership. You have to be able to carry yourself with the pride of a king.

2. You know how to keep your cool

You don’t have to talk about or boast about your exploits. Losers tend to be charlatans and try to consolidate their inferiorities by telling the world about their successes. But alpha males have nothing to prove. They simply make an unforgettable impression.

They are confident enough about their abilities and do not need to brag about their conquests. It is either you like them for who they are or you don’t.

3. You can walk the walk

You get the job done and you are a goal-getter. You have immense self-belief and anytime you go out to pursue a goal, you are all in. Alpha males know what commitment means. It is either they can attain something or they can’t. But since they are goal-oriented and focused they always deliver results even when the chips are down.

4. You have your self-respect

If you don’t value yourself, how the heck would the world out there value you? Alpha males have solid self-esteem and won’t allow anyone or anything dent their self-worth. Even when they are not yet successful, they walk, dress and play the success card.

5. You know what you want

Alpha males are clear about their goals and desires. They know what they want and won’t follow the crowd. They don’t live their life on assumptions but through data and critical thinking they can create a path to achieving their goals.

6. You are authentic

They know when others are bullsh*tting them. They can see through your façade if you are a fake. Alpha males have no time for mediocrity or BS. It is either you are worth their time and energy or not.

7. You connect with your environment

Because you are an alpha male doesn’t mean you are not a gentleman. In fact alpha males are sensitive and can be empathetic. They could be very caring and loving souls. But this is not a weakness since they can be as ruthless and cold also.

8. You are confident

Alpha males are confident and inspire others with such confidence. Even when others retreat because of a challenge, alpha males thrive best during chaos and difficult moments. They ooze confidence as they rely on their strengths to win and conquer.

9. You believe in yourself

It is not whether they can do it or not, they simply have a winner’s mindset. And yes they believe in their abilities. They are a brand and yes through self-belief they continue to build this brand daily.

10. You are busy

Alpha males are busy people. They are not idle. There is always something to do and goals to chase after. They don’t complain or make excuses, they simply get busy.

They earn the attention they deserve. Even in a digital world when everyone is busy on one device or another, alpha males enter the room and get the attention they deserve. Of course it goes beyond marketing their brand, who doesn’t want to be around success? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Casey Imafidon

Casey Imafidon is a full time writer and has been featured on Inc, Elitedaily, Addicted2success and numerous other blogs.