woman sits on bed eating food
Unsplash / Toa Heftiba and Twitter / @TheUniverseMan

This Guy Tweeted Everything He Learned While Living With Women And It’s Hilariously Relatable

He knows things about me that I didn't even know about myself.


woman sits on bed eating food
Unsplash / Toa Heftiba and Twitter / @TheUniverseMan

My favorite part of having guy friends is slowly revealing all my girl secrets and watching their shocked reactions. Apparently girls’ lives are nothing like guys imagine them to be, and Twitter user Roberto is proof: after living with a group of women for a week, he decided to tweet about all the things he learned about the secret lives of girls. And if you’re a woman, it’s honestly so relatable.

Honestly, just by living with women for a week, he seemed to have cracked the code and uncovered all the secrets even we didn’t realize we had.

Apparently some of our beauty secrets are a little confusing to people who have never heard of them before.

Are you telling me guys don’t do this, too?

What can we say? When girls are close, we’re close.

Okay so maybe this is 100% me.

This is so relatable IT HURTS.

Seriously, he got a full taste of what it’s like living in a house full of women. This about sums it up:

Okay, fine, guilty as charged. Thought Catalog Logo Mark