This Guy Keeps Getting Catfished By The Same Man And He Posted The Whole Wild Story To Instagram

Sanjay keeps getting catfished by Durgesh, an older man
Twitter / @Tazznemo

Have you ever found an Instagram account that is just so weirdly beautiful that it brings tears to your eyes? If you haven’t, here’s one to add to your list: Sanjay Kapoor and his very, very strange life, which is chronicled on his account.

For instance, Sanjay uses the account to talk about his dating struggles. Well, actually, mostly just about how he gets catfished by some 54-year-old named Durgesh.

Twitter / @Tazznemo

Okay, he deserved that one. 13 years old??? Try again, dude.

But just when he thinks he has a chance at finding true love…

Twitter / @Tazznemo

… Durgesh shows up again.

Twitter / @Tazznemo

So honestly, maybe Durgesh is just a superhero disguised as an old man, because it sounds like he’s saving a LOT of women from a LOT of trouble. Namely, Sanjay.

But the whole story gets even weirder. Apparently Sanjay decided he needed to fight Durgesh, though it’s unclear whether this has to do with the catfishing or if it’s just a thing they do.

Twitter / @Tazznemo

Let’s just say that Sanjay found out the hard way that you don’t fuck with Durgesh.

Twitter / @Tazznemo

Honestly, this account is wild and I am now an avid follower. Teach me your ways, Sanjay. Or, better yet, teach me yours, Durgesh.

The account (which, let’s be real, is 99% definitely a satire account) came to light when someone tweeted about Sanjay’s dating exploits, and it definitely got some attention.

Honestly, I just can’t deal with the rest of his account.


As a final note, I leave you this piece of wisdom: In a world full of Sanjays, be a Durgesh. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie joined Thought Catalog as an intern in 2017 and now works as the Editorial Director for its sister site, Collective World. She enjoys writing personal essays and articles about pop culture, astrology, and tarot. She published her first book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ in 2024.

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