Jimmy Fallon Asked His Fans To Share Their Most Awkward Stories On Twitter And They’re Hilarious

Flickr / celebrityabc and Twitter / Jimmy Fallon
Flickr / celebrityabc and Twitter / Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon is known for his weekly hashtag challenges, though some are definitely funnier than others. This week Fallon asked fans to tweet out their “#IGotCaught” moments, and the answers ranged from hilarious to totally relatable.

Fallon started it off with a story of his own.

Trust me, Jimmy, we’ve all been there.

Fans soon took over, telling the world some of their most embarrassing stories.

Some of them were just straight-up cringeworthy

Some of them will mostly just make you shake your head because come on guys.

But a lot of them were honestly really relatable, though we wouldn’t openly admit that.

Yep, totally relatable.


At least we can all laugh at ourselves, right? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

Keep up with Callie on Instagram, Twitter and calliebyrnes.com

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