16 Questions You Should Never Ask Your S/O Unless You Want To Cause A Breakup
"Which one of my friends would you sleep with? I won't get mad, I'm just curious..."
Brittany Cox
Advice from the relationship gurus over at R/AskMen
1. “99% of intimate things related to exes.”
2. “Whose panties are these?”
3. “Asking about sexual history. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to hear about their SO’s past sex life.”
4. If either partner is insecure and asks questions with the intentions of curbing their insecurity then you’re going down a rough road.
5. “Questions that have only “wrong” answers — the fabled ‘shit-tests’.
6. “‘Are you sure about that?’ or any question that doubts them said over and over again.”
7. “Questions you do not want the answer to.”
8. “Be honest, I won’t get mad I swear. Is my sister hotter than I am?”
9. “‘What would you do if……?’ I really don’t like that game. Especially since one of my guy friends used to do this.”
10. “Which one of my friends would you sleep with? I won’t get mad, I’m just curious…”
11. “When are we getting married?”
12. “Are you attracted to my friend/sister/mother/anyone not me?”
13. “‘Do you love me’ type questions followed by ‘how do I know’ type questions. It makes me not only feel insecure, but it also comes off as somewhat manipulative.”
— Jerhed89
14. “Questions regarding exes and prior sexual experiences. Not only questions, but about them talking about it. Do I want to hear about the MMFs you had when you were younger? Hell no.”
— Jerhed89
15. “Penis size questions, or her talking about sex with her ex in detail.”
16. “A thinly veiled reminder to do some mundane chore. Basically anything that starts with “Why haven’t you…” is poison.”