These insights brought to you by the sex experts on R/AskReddit
1. Good at massage
2. Knot tying
3. Magic tricks
4. Empathy
5. Knowing how to pet a cat. Cats, like people, are pretty picky about how they like to be touched!
6. Dancing
7. Power cleans
8. Piano playing
9. Ability to eat a banana in one mouthful
10. The ability to listen and to actually pay attention
11. Being able to cook well or to dance well
12. Being able to do something that requires fine motor skills, like sculpting
13. Hula hooping
14. Musicians. They have rhythm and are generally are quite skilled in fine motor skills involving either their tongue or hands
15. Tying a knot in the stem of a cherry with one’s tongue
16. Welding
17. Being a hard worker and determined
18. Know how to arch their lower back
19. Being considerate
20. Someone who plays a stringed instrument or brass instrument is usually good
21. They are a drummer. The rhythm!
22. They’re always smiling