Anna Demianenko

This Creepy Man Just Won’t Stop Commenting On A Girl’s Facebook Posts And It Gets Kinda Weird

Have you ever had someone creep on you like this??


Anna Demianenko
Anna Demianenko

Poor Taylor Oakley is just trying to use Facebook to joke with her friends and post fun pictures! Unfortunately for her, there is an elderly gentleman (if you want to call him that) who will just NOT leave her alone.

Here’s how everything goes down:

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via Imgur

Taylor is super bored and she invites people to like her status to get a message on Facebook Chat. Unfortunately, she misspells “message” as “massage” but George seems VERY keen on the incorrect spelling. A very awkward post.

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via Imgur

Feeling a little insecure, as we ALL can sometimes (especially when we are younger!) Taylor posts a message probably hoping to solicit some positive feedback from friends. Instead, she gets another awkward comment from George. Now, perhaps he meant well here, but it is a very strange and uncomfortable post from someone as old as him. This is a closer-up pic of George, for the record:

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via Imgur

He looks mid-forties at the YOUNGEST, and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone said he was in his late sixties. Very odd behavior. Unfortunately, not yet over.

Taylor then posts a selfie, and suddenly things get even WEIRDER.

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via Imgur

And George is quick to start commenting. However, this time his replies aren’t unanswered.

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via Imgur

Taylor calls George out, but also her friend Aleksander — who also thinks the constant comments are a little strange.

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via Imgur

And FINALLY George decides to high-tail it out of there. Very, very strange.

Have you ever had creepy people comment on your profile like George? Thought Catalog Logo Mark